Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Всеобщая история

The Issue of the «Last Villainge» in England of the XVI Century

The article studies the phenomenon of the «last villainge», which was discovered by A.N. Savin at the beginning of the XX century. The author examines the question of differences in the legal and social status of ordinary holders of land and «last villaints» in the XVI c. It introduces certain correction to the understanding of the agrarian peculiarity of England during the period of the capitalism genesis.

English Hussit Petre Payne

This article describe a destiny of Englishman Petre Payne, which leave his native land and settled in Bohemia. After his move he became a participant of Hussits wars.

Persecution Ecclesiae: European «Tyrants» of the XII Century in the Works of John of Salisbury

The article analyses the works of John of Salisbury, a well- educated person, an English diplomat and a writer, who appertains to the outstanding personalities in the history of the medieval political conceptions. Having examined the works of Joann, the author studies his ideas of the royal power origin and functions. The author found out the names of people who John of Salisbury considered to be tyrants and the reasons for that.

Orderick Vitaliy’s Story about the Death of William the Conqueror in the Political Polemics during the Reign of Henry I (1100-1135)

The article is devoted to the analysis of Orderick Vitaliy’s story about the death of William the Conqueror (1087) and its importance in the political polemics during the reign of Henry I. The author examines the details of king William the Conqueror’s death, which have provoked a lot of arguments for the last decades, considering a difficult structure of Orderick Vitaliy’s text and taking into account the pragmatics of the period.

The King’s Power and the Basic Tendencies of its Development during the AngloSaxon Period from VII c. till the Beginning of the IX Century

The article focuses on one of the main aspects of the formation and development of the AngloSaxon state system – the emergence, essence and evolution of the Royal power from the VII c. till the beginning of the IX century.

The Harvard’s «Russian Project»: from Triumph to Disgrace

The article is devoted to the study of the role and place of Harvard Institute for International Development in the Russian reforms during 1990s and peculiarities of the Institute’s functioning within Harvard University. Besides, the influence of the institute leading persons on the development of the American aid program to Russia and the circumstances of the institute’s liquidation are also studied.

«History of the Commonwealth of England» of William Godwin

The article deal with the intellectual legacy of the English philosopher, writer and historian William Godwin (1756–1836). His was typical way of English intellectual who had to live through the Enlightenment, the Revolution and Romanticism. The Godwin’s historical ideas are a little known to contemporary academic audience. «History of the Commonwealth of England» of W. Godwin was written in 1824–1828 in the period of the great political crisis. Then British historians look for the answer of the public problem in the past.

The Masons of North-American Colonies before the War for Independence

The article is devoted to the activity of the first Masonic lodges in the North-American colonies of Britain. The author argues that on the territory, which will later become the USA, Masonic structures were set up by European colonists. During the period of struggle for independence Masonic headquarters became the places for patriotic meetings. The author emphasizes, that the lodges considerably influenced the processes of the establishment of the federative NorthAmerican state.

Genesis of Law Concept on Witchcraft and Legalization of Witch-Hunt (England, 1547–1736)

The focus of this article is the legal aspect of Witchcraft which reflected Perception of Witchcraft as specific kind of Crime by medieval Society and State. The Conception of Witchcraft as a specific Crime, Guilt and Punishment has undergone long Evolution in the English Legislation. This Evolution is directly linked to the Development of Demonological Theory and Judicial Practice. The AntiWitchcraft Acts of the Tudors and the Stuarts were raised from an Idea of a Reality of Witchcraft and Damage does it and established number of Punishments for Witchcraft Actions.

The Programme of the Course «Historical geography of Western Europe during the Middle Age»

The author of this programme – professor A.N. Galyamichev. He give his lectures about a historical geography of the middle ages in Saratov University during a long time. This programme demonstrate a maintenance and a logic of construction of this course. The programme incluole a list of origins and literatures.
