Izvestiya of Saratov University.

History. International Relations

ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

For citation:

Boncevich N. N. American Domestic Information Campaigns, 1946–1950. Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2009, vol. 9, iss. 1, pp. 55-60. DOI: 10.18500/1819-4907-2009-9-1-55-60

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American Domestic Information Campaigns, 1946–1950

Boncevich Natalya Nikolaevna, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov

One of the controversial issues in the American cold war studies still remains problem of public opinion importance for the government in its foreign policies making. Historians try to seek answer on the question: was it really so important for the American government to have people’s support of its foreign policy or it was just trying to have good image of themselves in public opinion, or may be something else? The author of this article makes an attempt to answer this question through domestic information campaigns of 1946-1950 analysis. Documents from the subject files of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs, Files of director of Public Affairs for the Department of State Francis H. Russell are kept in the National Archives and Records Administration, contain data which could shed a light on those processes in the postwar America relating institutional changes in the information agencies and growing government’s commitment to the domestic information control.

  1. Bernhard  N.E. Clearer than Truth: Public Affairs Television and the State Department’s Domestic Information Campaigns, 1947–1952 // Diplomatic History. 1997. Vol. 21, № 4. P. 546.
  2. McQuaid K. Uneasy Partners. Big Business in American Politics, 1945–1990. Baltimore; L., 1994. P. 36–37.
  3. См. об этом: Parry-Giles S.J. The Rhetorical Presidency, Propaganda and the Cold War, 1945–1955. Westport; L., 2002. P. XVIII.
  4. Foyle  D.C. Counting the Public in: Presidents, Public Opinion, and Foreign Policy. N.Y., 1999. Chap. 1.
  5. Bernhard N.E. Op. cit. P. 549.
  6. Memorandum by Rowena Rommel, 24August 1945, box 2, folder: Confidence in the Government, 1945–1951, Records of the Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs, Record Group 59, Files of Francis H. Russell, 1945–1953, box 1, folder: Advertising Council 1945–1952, National Archives, Washington, DC (далее ASSPA).
  7. Office Memorandum by Russell, 17 July 1946, box 3, folder: OPI – F. Russell 1946, ASSPA.
  8. Цит. по: Pollard R.A. Economic Security and the Origins of the Cold War, 1945–1950. N.Y., 1985. P. 2.
  9. Ibid. P. 8.
  10. Цит. по: Letter from secretary Marshall in reply to a letter from a Midwest housewife, 6 October 1948, box 11, folder: General 1945–1951, ASSPA.
  11. McQuaid K. Op. cit. P. 38, 41.
  12. Mr. Jackson and Mr. Dudley of OWMR; and Francis H. Russell of OPI, 29 January 1946, box 1, folder: Advertising Council 1945–1952, ASSPA.
  13. Office Memo by M.R.T. Carter, 12 October 1945, box 4, folder: International Trade-Information Program 1945–49, ASSPA.
  14. Griffith R. The Selling of America: The Advertising Council and American Politics, 1942–1960 // The Business History Review. 1983. № 3. P. 400.
  15. Ibid. P. 401.
  16. Ibid. P. 402.
  17. Ibid. P. 396.
  18. Pollard R.A. Op. cit. P. 131. 21 Ibid. P. 147.
  19. Wala M. Selling the Marshall Plan at Home: The Committee for the Marshall Plan to Aid European Recovery // Diplomatic History. 1986. Vol. 10, № 3. P. 249.
  20. Ibid. P. 254–255.
  21. Building a Free World // New York Times. 1948. July 25.
  22. Цит. по: McQuaid K. Op. cit. P. 45. 26 Draft «Suggested letter to selected Members of Congress», 16 October 1951, box 2, folder: Congressional General, 1945–1952, ASSPA.
  23. Public Opinion and Foreign Policy / Ed. by Lester Markel. N.Y., 1949. P. 63.
  24. McQuaid K. Op. cit. P. 45.
  25. Nature of the Communism Menace to Western Democracy, box 2, folder: Communism, ASSPA.
  26. Address made off the Record before the American Society of Newspaper Editors by the Honorable Dean Acheson, Acting Secretary of State, Washington DC, 18 April 1947, box 10, folder: Secretary – Speaking 1946–1952, ASSPA.
  27. Russell to Schwinn, 4 January 1950, box 7, folder: Planning Operations, Domestic and Overseas Information Programs, 1949–1950, ASSPA. 
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