Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Отечественная история

Publishing Activity of G.P. Fedotov during the Period of Emigration

This article relate about a publishing activity of P.G. Fedorov during the period of his emigration. The author of this work discribe a journal “New Hail” and his publisher. In this article the author investigate Fedorov’s ideas about a role of press in spiritual life of Russian emigration and peculiaritys of his editor of his editors style.

The Juror confidant A.A. Tokarskiy. («On his hands Chernyshevskiy is dead...»)

In article are considered last 113 days to life and activity N. Chernyshevskogo in Saratov, his contact in this period with juror confidant A.A. Tokarskim, memory which about these meeting contains the impressions about image of the thoughts of the writer and a little-known fragments his ordinariness. In work also happens to short biographic feature Tokarskogo – a popular lawyer of the Saratov, well-known public and politician to Russia begin XX century.

Quartering in the Volga Region in the end of XVIII Century. Rostov Mounted Regiment in Saratov Region (1792–1794)

The problem of of militaries in Russian provinces. is not widely examined in historical works. The article deals with the problem of temporary living of Rostov dire guards in the Saratov region in 1792 – 1794. This article is basis on the Russian state military historical archives of the Saratov region. The evidences of the contemporaries and witnesses play important rule. There is a lot of unknown biographical information about officers of the Rostov dire guards.

Porhov on the Last Stage of the Time of Troubles (1615–1618)

The article by Y.N. Rabinovich is dedicated to that period in the Time of Troubles in the Russian North which hadn’t been studied in detail by other historians. The article regards the destiny of one of the small towns of Russia, which was involved into the flood of events, related to the struggle of Pskov against Novgorod and the Swedish interventionists. The tangled chronology of the Times of Troubles in the district of Porkhov is studied thoroughly.

Russian Police and its Methods in the Context of Counteraction to Revolutionary Terrorism (the XIXth – beginning of the XXth century)

In this paper the author considers the process of establishing the system of counteractions against revolutionary terrorism in Russia of the XIXth – the beginning of the XXth century. The development of terror practices as one of the branches of conspiracy activities was far ahead the developing of the police structure that was still unable to fight against terrorism. The methods of organizing personal security service of the top state officials being analyzed, the reasons of their poor effectiveness are shown.

«Its Political and Moral Importance for the Whole Country Comprehensively…» (The Politician-Legal Collisions of the Lawsuit on Participant Sevastopol Rebellion)

The Article is dedicated to unknown page to histories of the lawsuit on sailor – a participant of Sevastopol rebellion of 1905. In article is analysed tactics of protection defendant sailor, organizer and leader which has been the leader to synergies «Molodaya Advokatura» N.K. Muraviev. At emphases of the author concentrated on original acceptance of protection, for the first time aplying Muraviev’evym and his colleague.


Статья посвящена малоизученной странице истории судебного процесса над матросами – участниками Севастопольского восстания 1905 г. В статье анализируется тактика защиты подсудимых матросов, организатором и руководителем которой выступил лидер синергии «молодая адвокатура» Н. К. Муравьев. При этом особое внимание автора сосредоточено на оригинальном приеме защиты, впервые примененном Муравьевым и его коллегами.

The Administration Peasantry and the City in Russia on the Eve of the Revolution of 1917

The social and economic situation in the black-soil region of Russia at the times of World War I is the main object of the article. The author analyses the activities of the central and local administrations, especially their efforts to protect internal markets of consumer goods. The article shows that the Russian peasantry produced sufficient quantities of grain and could supply army and industrial centers. The political stability was ruined because of concrete mistakes of imperial and local authorities. 

On the Role of Zemstvo in the Formation of Civil Society in Russia in the Second Half of the XIX th Century

In the article the role of the institutions of zemsky government in the formation of the civil society in Russia in the second half of the XIX th century is discussed. The participation of representatives of various classes of society in the work of zemstvo, appointment of the members of the zemstvo by election and the possibility to show the initiative in solving social problems allowed zemstvo to become the core of the developing civil society.

The Views of the Russian Society on the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878

The article focuses on the issue of the Russian society attitude to the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878, its reflection in the memoirs literature. The author brings to light three viewpoints on the tasks the Russian Empire has been facing then. The views of V.P. Mescherskii, D.I. Ilovayskii, G.K. Gradovskii and K.I. Voronitch are represented in the article.
