Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Отечественная история

Деятельность местных жандармских органов по обеспечению государственной и общественной безопасности в Привислинском крае Российской империи (1870-1890-е гг.)

В статье рассматривается деятельность местных жандармских органов Привислинского края Российской империи в 1870-1890-х гг. Перечисляется комплекс полицейско-политических мер, взятых в дальнейшем на вооружение органами исполнительной власти в деле обеспечения государственной и общественной безопасности на западных окраинах империи.

The phenomenon of collaborationism in the territories of the USSR occupied by Nazi Germany (1941–1944): Points of view and assessment in historiography

An extensive domestic and foreign historiography has been created on the topic of collaborationism and related problems. The purpose of this work is to consider the phenomenon of collaborationism and the forms of its manifestation in the temporarily occupied territories of the southern regions of Russia, the Crimea, the North Caucasus, to compare the approaches of researchers in understanding its essence, forms and scales.

Leningrad in the structure of scientific and technical cooperation between the Soviet Union and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in 1976–1983

The article analyzes the role of Leningrad in the structure of scientific and technical cooperation between the USSR and SRV in 1976– 1983 on the basis of archival data. The author comes to a conclusion about high quality results of Leningrad institutions collaborating with SRV, successes of Leningrad leadership in cooperation with regions of Vietnam, involvement of most large industrial enterprises, leading higher educational institutions, design and research organizations of the city in scientific and technical cooperation between the USSR and SRV. 

Combat equipment of the South Russian Organization of “People’s Will” in 1885–1886

During 1885, the South Russian organization of “People’s Will” by the leadership of B. D. Orzhikh created its own bombs set and provided their storage. These bombs were create for demoralization of the tsarist government. Because of objective reasons caused by recovery of weakened party, the southern revolutionaries did not have time to start the full realization of their plans about bombs using. In reality, the main work focused on the consolidation of revolutionary forces and propaganda activities until the liquidation of the group during 1886–1887. The group of B.

The constitutional process in the Republic of Volga Germans in the 1920s – 1930s: Content and essence

The article examines the constitutional policy of the Soviet state in relation to the autonomous republic of Volga Germans that existed in 1924–1941 as part of the RSFSR, shows this policy as an integral part of the general national-state policy towards national minorities, to whom the Bolshevik government was granted a certain form of statehood. The characteristic of the two constitutions of the Non–Republic of 1926 and 1937 is given – as octroated, i.e. granted from above and therefore contained as much independence as allowed by the center.


В статье анализируются статистические данные, закрытые многие десятилетия для обычного пользователя, по бюджетам семей крестьян-колхозников в 1958 году. Сравнивая с показателями периода начала аграрных реформ, можно сделать вывод, что положение колхозного крестьянства несколько улучшилось из-за сокращения налогов и сборов. Вместе с тем, денежные и натуральные доходы были невелики, структура расходов значительных изменений не претерпела. Социально-экономическое положение колхозников во второй половине 1950-х годов оставалось сложным.

«Глазами друзей»: использование международной повестки в советском праздничном пропагандистском дискурсе (по материалам юбилейных торжеств 1957 г. в Ленинграде)

На материале периодической печати, текстов праздничных радиотрансляций и документов советских и партийных властей Ленинграда, воссоздаются особенности использования международной повестки в качестве одного из тропов праздничного пропагандистского дискурса. На примере юбилейных торжеств 1957 г.

Establishment of people’s control in Soviet Russia: Social and political practice

The article examines the activities of the RSFSR (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic) authorities in the search for the optimal model of organization of control in the Soviet-type society in the early 1920s. The methods and techniques directly or indirectly related to the involvement of workers in the work of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Inspectorate and the construction of the whole system of functioning of this control agency are analyzed on the material of archival sources.

V. Ya. Bogucharsky’s activity on the creation of the L. N. Tolstoy Museum in St. Petersburg

The article examines the participation of the pre-revolutionary historian, publicist and public figure V. Ya. Bogucharsky in the creation of the Leo Tolstoy Museum in St. Petersburg. This event was timed to coincide with the eightieth anniversary of the great Russian writer.

The cultural space of the Cold War: The image of the enemy in Soviet and American journalism

The subject field of the article is the historical-imagological spectrum and comparative perspective. The main actors that influenced the dynamics of the representation of the enemy/other image in the political discourse of the Cold War are investigated. The main type of sources were journalistic materials presented by Soviet and American literature of various levels, from newspaper publications to voluminous popular science publications.
