Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Всеобщая история и международные отношения

The Use of Social Maneuvering Tactics of the German Reich Chancellor Otto von Bismarck in the Second Half of the XIX Century

The article analyzes the peculiarities of O. Bismarck’s internal policy in the second half of the XIX century. This policy was called «social maneuvering», as it was expressed in an active search for like-minded people in representatives of various political parties, economists, major Industrialists for the elaboration and implementation of social reforms.

Religious Discourse in the Early Debates of Penitentiary Reformers in the USA

The article examines the impact of the theological views of the American Protestant denominations representatives on the formation of theoretical and methodological foundations of the American prison systems. The U. S.A. is considered to be the «pioneers» in the realization of prison reforms in the nineteenth century. Actually it was in America that the first progressive penitentiary systems were arranged: Pennsylvanian and Auburn systems. The elements of American prison systems were later borrowed by European and Russian penal reformers.

The Lisbon Strategy of 2000 Implementation and the Formation of a Unified Model of the European Union’s Social Policy

The European Union’s social policy is the subject of a large number of studies; it is an important area of domestic policy for each EU member state and their citizens. The formation of the EU general social policy passed certain stages in its historical development. The purpose of this study is to identify the problems that arise in the formation of the EU unified social policy in the context of its development.

some Early Classical Assemblages from Chersonesos (north-Eastern District)

The analysis of the ceramic assemblages revealed in the North-Eastern district of Chersonesos in 1982 is presented in the article. They are a few rocky cavities of artificial origin and overlying cultural layer. The material is represented by both imported products and local (the Black Sea region) reminiscences of imported samples. Undoubtedly, these findings are interesting for the study of the early ceramic collection of the site and the economic life of its population at the initial stage of the settlement.

Ordeals in Anglo-norman England

The article deals with ordeals («iudicium Dei») and their features after the Conquest compared with those of Anglo-Saxon age and contemporary continental practice. An introduction of the trial by battle, well-known in France, but unknown in England prior to 1066 is given. Meanwhile, common for pre-Conquest ordeal by hot iron was continued to be used with the help of the English Church, which controlled it. In addition it must be kept in mind that there are few real cases of ordeals known from sources, contradictory to the subsequent age of the Plantagenets.

Cities of Greater Poland from the Middle of the XI Century to the Middle of the XII Century

The article analyzes the position of the cities of Greater Poland till the middle of XII century. The author notes the specificity and the complexity in the study of this period. According to the author, the fate of the Archbishop’s Department played the significant role in the development of the Greater Poland cities. The article shows the development of the cities of Greater Poland since their decline in the middle of the XI century till the gradual revival in the XII century.

Geoffrey Chaucer’s Vicious Aristocracy and Virtuous Workers

Geoffrey Chaucer is a representative of an early English humanistic literature, who in his «The Canterbury tales» managed to show the whole panorama of social life in England of the XIV century. His short stories reflect the epochal change, the formation of new values and a new elite. Chaucer notes the degradation of the secular and spiritual aristocracy, welcomes the enrichment and strengthening of the third estate, connects it with the future of their country, admires workers-peasants that preserved the moral purity of the «corrupt age» of the poet.

Королевская администрация и пограничные кланы на англо-шотландском пограничье в 1525–1527 годы

Работа посвящена англо-шотландскому пограничью в 1525–1527 гг. На примере политики по отношению к жителям Тайндейла и Риддесдейла рассмотрены мероприятия короны в пограничных землях в этот период. По мнению автора, радикальных изменений в указанной области не произошло. Основным способом умиротворения горцев оставались строгое наказание за преступления, карательные походы, взятие заложников, требование от

Проблема сословий и сословного представительства во французской политической литературе XVI века

В статье рассматриваются проблемы французской политической мысли в XVI в. и особенности интерпретации проблемы сословий и сословного представительства. Автор анализирует значение проблемы сословного представительства в формировании идеи народного суверенитета и идейную борьбу между тираноборцами и легитимистами, как и проблему эволюции констуционалистских идей.

Политическая элита Канады конца XVIII века и происхождение франкоканадского национализма

Статья посвящена изучению трансформации политической элиты Канады в связи со вступлением в силу Конституционного акта 1791 г., а также формированию системы управления новообразованной колонии Верхняя Канада. Особое внимание уделяется роли этнического фактора в данном процессе, положению представителей англо‑ и франкоканадской общины в новой политической системе, а также влиянию этнического фактора на ранний период политической истории Верхней Канады.
