Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Всеобщая история и международные отношения

Джордж Буш-младший: становление политика

Статья посвящена рассмотрению биографии Джорджа Уокера Буша до его прихода в большую политику. Анализируются факторы, повлиявшие на выбор Бушем-младшим политической карьеры. Особое внимание уделяется роли семьи и деятельности Буша-младшего в сфере бизнес-администрирования. Отмечаются особенности индивидуального имиджа и стиля управления будущего президента, сформированных в этот период.

Исторические истоки и внутренние причины распространения экстремистских проявлений на Арабском Востоке в XXI веке

Автор делает попытку осветить основные факторы, сформировавшие конфликтогенную среду на Арабском Востоке. Он также анализирует степень влияния того или иного фактора на распространение экстремизма среди арабского населения. Исследователь приходит к выводу, что основными компонентами-раздражителями арабского населения стали культурологические особенности, связанные с исламом, а также негативная социально-экономическая обстановка в большинстве стран арабского региона.

Ирано-египетские отношения после свержения Хосни Мубарака

В статье анализируется политика Ирана по налаживанию отношений с Египтом после свержения Х. Мубарака. В центре внимания находится период с июня 2011 по июнь 2012 года. На основе материалов иранских СМИ и официальных источников анализируются подходы и методы Исламской Республики в стремлении сформировать положительный имидж в египетском общественном мнении и наладить контакты с исламистскими силами в период парламентских и президентских выборов в Египте.

Caesareans in 44–42 BC: the Genesis of the Slogans of Political Propaganda

The article considers the problems of the Caesarians’ split in the period 44-42. BC, the stages of genesis and orientation of the slogans of political propaganda are traced, the methods of conducting the struggle are studied. Based on the sources, the author outlines the main themes used by the Caesarians during the ideological confrontation. The analysis leads to the conclusion that the propaganda of the Caesarians was guided by wider public circles.

Anthony before Cleopatra: Some Remarks about the Political Role of M. Antonius before 41 BC

The article examines the political role of Mark Antony before he became one of the leaders who fought for power in the Roman Republic. It is stressed that he came from a family that did not have any political influence or connections, a family whose members were involved in a number of scandals. Until the death of Caesar Anthony was only the performer of his orders. After the death of Caesar, he became one of the leaders of the Caesarians, but he had no other support than the army.

Cleopatra – the queen changing masks (Antiquity – Shakespeare – Hollywood)

The article examines the image of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra VII, formed in European culture. It shows the role of the ancient tradition (Plutarch first of all) in the formation of the main features of this image, the importance of the iconic literary works of W. Shakespeare and B. Shaw for its development, and then its development in the cinema up to the beginning of the 21st century.

Historical Culture of Early English Antiquaries

In the article, based on the material of “A Description of Elizabethan England” by W. Harrison and «Britain» by W. Camden, an attempt to explore ways of reflection of the historical past of the early English Antiquaries, which set the foundation of the «secularization of historiography» and a rational interpretation of historical experience, is made.

The Desserts of the English Cuisine of the Seventeenth Century: Cotignac, Marmalade, Paste, Marzipan and Lots of Sugar...

The article deals with the desserts in the culinary practice of England of the XVII century, the focus of the author is the collection of confectionery recipes of 1608, «A Closet for Ladies and Gentlewomen» which was repeatedly reprinted.

The Eastern Question, the Crimean War and the End of the «Holy Alliance» in Austrian-Russian Relations

The article deals with the desserts in the culinary practice of England of the XVII century, the focus of the author is the collection of confectionery recipes of 1608, «A Closet for Ladies and Gentlewomen» which was repeatedly reprinted.

The National Afro-American League: At the Dawn of the Black Protest Movement in the USA (1887–1894)

The article is devoted to the analysis of the creation and activities of the National Afro-American League – the first black protest organization established under the leadership of the black journalist Timothy Thomas Fortune. The main goal of this organization was the struggle against the legislative oppression of the African Americans, as well as the achievement of equal human rights and freedoms regardless of the color of skin.
