Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Всеобщая история и международные отношения

Влияние политических событий конца XX – начала XXI века на развитие нефтяной отрасли: эпоха турбулентности и трансформаций

Данная статья представляет собой комплексный анализ влияния политических событий на развитие нефтяной отрасли в указанный период, рассматривая как прямые, так и косвенные последствия политических решений, конфликтов и идеологических сдвигов. Также рассматривается, как политические факторы влияли на формирование нефтяных цен, доступ к ресурсам, разработку новых месторождений, развитие альтернативной энергетики и экологическую политику.

Romanian vector in theforeign policy of the Republic of Moldova: The political dimension of thefoundations and dynamics of bilateral relations between Chisinau and Bucharest

The article examines the foundations of bilateral relations between Moldova and Romania since the collapse of the USSR. The author analyzes the phenomenon of Moldovan unionism and its influence on the foreign policy of Chisinau in the Romanian direction. Individual stages of Moldovan-Romanian relations are highlighted in the context of regular transformations of the internal political situation in Moldova.

The U.S. “War on Terror” before 9/11: Framing the concept

The article examines the process of framing the concept of the “War on Terror” in the United States during the 1980–1990s and demonstrates the continuity of its key ideas and principles over two decades. The basic components of the concept, like the perception of the terrorism as a form of asymmetrical warfare, the declaration of the U.S. global mission to terminate the terrorist threat, the emphasis on use of military force for fighting against terrorism, the justification of a preemptive strike, were developed in the Ronald Reagan administration, adopted by George H.

Activities of Samuel Hoare in Russia 1916

The article examines the formation and activities of the British intelligence officer S. Hoare in Russia. His memories as a witness of the last days of the Russian Empire are very useful for researchers. Relations with representatives of the Russian liberal opposition allowed S. Hoare to gather important information about the Russian economy. The author concludes that Samuel Hoare significantly influenced Russia’s strengthening of the continental blockade.

The pedagogical activity of the English writer Hannah More at the turn of the XVIIIth – XIXth centuries

The article examines the pedagogical activity of the English writer and teacher of the turn of the XVIII–XIX centuries Hannah More. It is shown that she not only wrote about the need to provide girls with the opportunity to receive education, but also organized schools and women’s creative circles for them, popularized charitable activities among English women. The main attention is paid to the difficulties that H. More had to overcome in this field.

Freemasonry in pre-revolutionary France (1773–1789)

The article examines the events of the Masonic history of pre-revolutionary France. The author focuses on the formation of national structures of French Freemasonry. The participation of the ruling dynasty in the process of transformation of the “English” lodges into the structures of the Grand Orient of France is noted. The efforts of Masonic leaders on the eve of the French revolution are characterized.

Features of budget voting by the English Parliament in the 17th – 19th centuries

In the article, through consideration of the main constitutional acts of Great Britain and the budget adoption procedure, an attempt is made to determine the main features of budget voting by the British Parliament starting from the period of the Stuart dynasty and ending with the adoption of the Act of Parliament of 1911. The author identifies the procedural features and the basic principles of interaction between the two chambers of Parliament and the King on financial issues.

Publishing activity of the 16th-century Czech printer Oldřík Velenský from Mnichov

The article examines the publishing activities of the Czech typographer Oldřík Velensky from Mnichov, a humanist, a printer, a writer and a translator. The author analyses the genre repertoire of publications published by Oldřík Velenský from Mnichov, his translation work and humanistic studies.

Intellectual landscape of Late Medieval London

The article examines various elements of the intellectual landscape of London in the XIV–XV centuries, which created and disseminated knowledge of different levels. It is shown that the city has favorable conditions for the realization by citizens of the need to teach literacy not only in Latin and French, but also in English. The social demand of wealthy merchants and artisan masters for secular, practice-oriented knowledge and skills has led to the emergence of new licensed grammar and singing schools, as well as an increasing number of informal schools.

“Völuspá’ s divination” in Anglo-Scandinavian sculpture

The article is devoted to the study of eschatological scenes from the “Divination of Völuspá” in Anglo-Scandinavian stone sculpture. The main attention is focused on the stylistic analysis of compositional schemes and their background interpretation of how Scandinavian religious ideas transformed in the field of Danish law at the end of the 9th – the first half of the 10th century.
