Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Международные отношения

“Staff Reserve” of De-Escalation: M. Rojansky on American-Russian Relations

The article is devoted to the analysis of the political, scientific and practical activities of the director of the Kennan Institute, Matthew Rojanski.

Historical assessments in Estonian society: The identity of Estonians and Russian speakers in the context of local memory politics

The article examines the foundations of the historical paradigm of the modern Republic of Estonia and the degree of its perception by the local population. With the proclamation of independence, the local establishment decided to completely break with the Soviet past and had to construct not only its own political mechanism, the vertical of power, but also a new historical paradigm that could become a fastening link of the emerging statehood, as well as the Estonian society itself (its Estonian-speaking and Russian-speaking parts).

Iran-Syria relations during the “Syrian spring”

The article analyzes the stages of the formation of the Iranian policy regarding the “Syrian spring” and the regime of Bashar al-Assad in the context of the implementation of the concept of “Islamic Awakening”.

Features of the existence of the Orthodox Church in China in the first half of the 1950s according to documents of State Archive of the Russian Federation

The article describes the peculiarities of the existence of the Orthodox Church in China during a difficult period, when the main carriers of the Orthodox faith – emigrants, immigrants from the territory of the former Russian Empire left the country. The research was based on archival sources, as well as some available publications. The author shows that in the early 1950s Orthodoxy in China began to decline. The idea of creating an independent Chinese Orthodox Church, which will be implemented in the future, also dates back to this time.

Religious and moralistic works in the repertoire of the printing house of Daniel Adam Veleslavin

The author analyzes the publishing activity of the Czech typographer of the XVI century Daniel Adam Veleslavin, identifies the repertoire of publications, in particular the publication of religious and moralistic works, considers their role and place in the publishing products of the printing house and their significance for the Czech reader.

Political thought in XVI century France about heterodoxy and religious police of the State

The paper deals with the problem of French political thought in XVI century and focuses on the problem of heterodoxy. The author studies the interpretation of this problem in the context of the problem of civil wars and attempts to analyze the requirements of political theorists to the religious policy of the state.

Features of the decision-making process in the United States on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (2010–2012)

The article is devoted to the study of the specifics of the TPP negotiation process and the analysis of the role of the Office of the US Trade Representative in its organization. Special attention is paid to the structures that had a key influence in the formation of the proposals promoted by the American delegation during the negotiations. The author comes to the conclusion that the members of the Trade Advisory Committees played a critical role in the development of the proposals that determined the agenda of the US delegation in relation to the TPP.

Presidential diplomacy in Brazil: Achievements and drawbacks

The article deals with the history of the presidential diplomacy concept in Brazil, contribution of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and presidents to the creation of the foreign policy concept and to the enhancement of Brazil’s stance in the world. It is shown that in the XX century the Brazilian Foreign Ministry, which is known as Itamaraty, was the strongest body among other executive governmental structures. Its chancellors developed foreign policy strategy and its structural changes reflected Brazil’s priorities.

Preconditions and reasons for the emergence of a military-political bloc in the Middle East in the mid-1950s

This article examines the political and economic processes taking place in or related to the Middle East from the mid-30s to 1955. At the work, the author systematizes the prerequisites and reasons for the formation of CENTO, deduced on the basis of the facts set out in the work and the identified cause-and-effect relationships. The following methods were used in the work: abstraction in historical knowledge, cause-and-effect analysis of connections between historical events, historical-system analysis.
