Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2024, Vol. 24, iss. 1
Отечественная история
German A. A.
The constitutional process in the Republic of Volga Germans in the 1920s – 1930s: Content and essence
Kudryavtsev V. Y.
Leningrad in the structure of scientific and technical cooperation between the Soviet Union and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in 1976–1983
Malysheva E. M.
The phenomenon of collaborationism in the territories of the USSR occupied by Nazi Germany (1941–1944): Points of view and assessment in historiography
Всеобщая история
Nuzhdin O. I.
Dauphin Louis and the University of Paris: An attempt to seize power in France in April – May 1413
Beltser A. A.
Garrison and the town community of Berwick-upon-Tweed on the orders of Henry VIII and Elizabeth Tudor
Tretiakova M. V.
Cities of England in the middle of the XVI century in the Relazioni of the Venetian ambassadors
Yablonskaya O. V.
British Zenana missions of the XIX century and their projects for the liberation of Indian women
Международные отношения
Trusova M. А.
The evolution of Western Powers’ perceptions of the Soviet-German relations in 1918–1924
Kosov A. P.
The American vector of Russia’s foreign policy in the period of Boris Yeltsin’s first presidency
Mamedov R. S.
Eastern Mediterranean and the Syrian issue in the foreign policy priorities of Russia and the United States
Региональная история и краеведение
Batiev L. V.
“Caretakers” in the system of self-government of the Nakhichevan Armenian colony on the Don (1779–1870)
Rodnov M. I.
Economic relations between Saratov and Ufa at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries (forest bargaining)
Aganov A. A.
Creation and activity of the labor collective on the rights of the artel “Community” at the Taganrog Institute for the Scientific Organization of Production (Based on the Taganrog Branch of the GARO)