Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2020, Vol. 20, iss. 2

Известия Саратовского университета. Серия «История. Международные отношения», Т. 20, вып. 2
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Отечественная история
Dubman E. L.
Some Source Research Problems of Studying the Monastery Development of the Southern Middle Volga Region in the Second Half of the XVII Century
Romanov M. Y.
«On the Battles they Fought, not Sparing their Own Heads…» (The Experience of Reconstructing the History of the 18th Moscow Strelets Regiment)
Poznakhirev V. V.
Agreements on the Exchange of Prisoners (Cartels) in the Military History of Russia
Gorshkov D. I.
Captured Trumpet Banners of the 2nd (Dutch) Chevauleger-Lancer Regiment of the Imperial Guard: Classification, History, Reconstruction
German A. A.
Portrait of the Soviet German-Labor Army Servisemаn of Time of the Great Patriotic War
Всеобщая история и международные отношения
Shishikin V. G.
Socio-Economic, Political, Cultural and Religious Development of Japan at the Turn of the 6th–7th Centuries by the Shōtoku Constitution
Vorobyev D. N.
African-American Civil Rights Protection Activity of Booker T. Washington (The Late XIX – Early XX Centuries)
Chikhichin Y. S.
Approaches of G. Bush-senior and B. Clinton Administrations to the Problem of Nuclear Disarmament of Ukraine in the Period of 1992–1996
Региональная история и краеведение
Kartashova M. V.
To the Question of the Origin of Handicraft Centers (on the Example of the Balakhninsk lacemaking)
Kochukova O. V.
Notes of Saratov Volunteers – the Participants of the Serbian-Turkish War of 1876 as a Historical Source
Voyeikov E. V.
Personnel Policy of the State in Forestry of the NEP Period: Problems and Lessons (Based on the Materials of the Volga Region)
Danilov V. N.
Social and Everyday Problems of the Population of Saratov and Ways of Their Solution During the Great Patriotic War
Markova O. N.
Sphere of Official Leisure of Soviet People in the 1960s: a Dichotomy of the Collective and Individual (Based on the Materials from the Saratov Region)