Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

общественное мнение

American Domestic Information Campaigns, 1946–1950

One of the controversial issues in the American cold war studies still remains problem of public opinion importance for the government in its foreign policies making. Historians try to seek answer on the question: was it really so important for the American government to have people’s support of its foreign policy or it was just trying to have good image of themselves in public opinion, or may be something else? The author of this article makes an attempt to answer this question through domestic information campaigns of 1946-1950 analysis.

F.M. Dostoevsky and Russian-Turkish war 1877–1878

In article sights of well-known Russian writer Feodor Mihajlovicha Dostoevsky at the Balkan crisis on the nature voo-ruzhennyh cataclysms are considered 1877–1878. As spend parallels in history of relations various political and public figures of Russia of 70th of XIX century from-nositelno Russian-Turkish war 1877–1878.

Opinion Poll of U.S. Citizens as Source Studying of Pearl Harbor Attack

In article of an estimation of citizens of the USA of an attack Pearl Harbor are analyzed. Specificity this opinions is revealed. Sources of formation of opinions and estimations are considered.

The Battle of Midway in the Estimates of the U. S. Press June 4–6, 1942

In article of an estimation of press of the USA of Battle of Midway are analyzed. Specificity this opinions is revealed. Sources of formation of opinions and estimations are considered.

Censorship Policy of Catherine the Great in 1762–1771

The article considers the first initiatives of the Russian Empress Catherine the Great in question of Censorship. The article gives an account of the state controlling of book printing, book delivery and book banning in the second half of 18th century. The great interest is the analysis of the public opinion in question of Catherine’s censorship reforms.

Crises of the 1930s in the estimates of U.S. society

The article describes reaction of U.S. society to the crisis moments of international Affairs 1931–1939. U.S. media estimates analyzed the Germany's aggression in Europe and Japanese aggression in Asiа

Countess A. D. Bludova and her Memoirs

The article is devoted to the study of the biography and the political outlook of Countess A. D. Bludova, who took an active part in public life of Russia in the XIX century. The basis of the article is the analysis of A. D. Bludova' s notes and memoirs. The author formulates a conclusion concerning the place of the political events of European history at the turn of the 1820–1830s in the folding and evolution of features of A. D. Bludova’s political outlook.

Eugene Tour – a memoirist of the Russo-Turkish war of 1877–1878

The article deals with the memorial heritage of the Russian writer and journalist E. V. Salias de Tournemire. Her memories are devoted to a significant event of the XIX century. - Russo-Turkish war of 1877–1878. The author analyzes the views of the memoirist concerning the causes and course of hostilities with the Ottoman Empire, shows the impact of public forces in the country's foreign policy.

The “coin propaganda” in the Late Roman Republic

The article is devoted to the issue of the directions of the "coin propaganda" in the Late Roman Republic and the estimation of its effectiveness. The author concludes that the images and legends of the coins changed in accordance with any turns of the Roman Republic leaders’ policy. This means that the coins served not only financial, but also certain ideological purposes.

The national liberation movemen in the Balkans and Russian-Turkish War of 1877–1878 the newpaper «Saratov data sheet»

This article analyzes the publication of the newspaper "Saratov data sheet" during the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. The author comes to a conclusion about the specifics reflect events in the regional press. The ideas of the Saratov society on the causes of the national liberation movement in the Balkans and Russia's war with the Ottoman Empire
