Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

внешняя политика

Romanian vector in theforeign policy of the Republic of Moldova: The political dimension of thefoundations and dynamics of bilateral relations between Chisinau and Bucharest

The article examines the foundations of bilateral relations between Moldova and Romania since the collapse of the USSR. The author analyzes the phenomenon of Moldovan unionism and its influence on the foreign policy of Chisinau in the Romanian direction. Individual stages of Moldovan-Romanian relations are highlighted in the context of regular transformations of the internal political situation in Moldova.

Participation of Moldova in the CIS: The influence of internal factors, evolution and problematic aspects

The article examines the dynamics of Moldova’s participation in the CIS in the context of the internal political struggle in the republic. The author analyzes the process of a country joining the organization and highlights problematic aspects of this process. The influence of international actors on the formation of the foreign policy course of Chisinau between Russia and the EU is considered.

Основные характеристики внешней политики карликовых государств Европы в XX веке

Внешняя политика карликовых государств Европы на протяжении многих веков была направлена на решение двух основных проблем: во-первых, выживания населения и, во-вторых, сохранения себя в качестве самостоятельных политико-территориальных образований. Не все они справились с этими задачами: из огромного количества таких государств в ХХ век вступили только четыре. Статья посвящена рассмотрению основных характеристик внешней политики именно этих стран, т. е.

The American political class and the international agenda: Common and special in the context of the 2024 elections

The article is devoted to the study of the views of politicians within the Democratic and Republican parties in the United States on the basic problems of American foreign policy. The main focus is on a comparative analysis of such problems as the current state and future of the globalization, US trade and industrial policy, boundaries of using the military force, strategy of “pivot to Asia”, relations with allies, climate change.

Conceptual basis of the Arctic strategy of the Trump administration

Adhering to the problem-thematic method of presenting the material when studying intra-system changes occurring in the Arctic subsystem of international relations atthe presenttime,the authorfocused on specific aspects: Washington’smilitary strategy, nature and natural resources, environmental, socio-economic problems, development of mineral deposits in complex natural conditions, agricultural problems, medical-biological and sanitary-hygienic areas.

Collaboration of the countries of the British Commonwealth of Nations (Australia, Canada, New Zealand) on the issue of preserving the indigenous peoples’ cultural heritage

The article provides an overview of current topics in Russian and foreign research on indigenous issues, on the basis of which the interest and low study degree of collaboration of the British Commonwealth of Nations countries on the issue of preserving the indigenous peoples’ cultural heritage is shown. Using materials from original sources, the article highlights the history of relations among the native peoples and colonists of Australia, Canada and New Zealand in the 18th – 21st centuries.

The American vector of Russia’s foreign policy in the period of Boris Yeltsin’s first presidency

The article considers Russia’s foreign policy towards the United States in 1991–1996. The desire of the Russian leadership to achieve the level of strategic partnership with the United States is shown in the conditions of the formation of a new Russian statehood and the weakening of the country’s international positions. The conclusion ismade about the collapse of Moscow’s unjustified hopes and illusions for equal cooperation with Washington.

The influence of internal processes on the formation of Moldova’s foreign policy in the first years of independence

The article examines the main internal political processes in Moldova at the time of the collapse of the USSR and the republic’s independence. The author highlights the features of the formation of the Moldovan statehood and their influence on the formation of the foreign policy course of the young state. The researcher analyzes the process of Moldova’s inclusion in the system of international relations and joining the main international institutions.

Взаимодействие стран Британского содружества наций (Австралии, Канады, Новой Зеландии) по вопросу сохранения культурного наследия коренных народов

В статье представлен обзор современной тематики отечественных и зарубежных исследований по вопросам коренных народов, на основе которого показан интерес и низкая степень изученности взаимодействия стран Британского содружества наций по вопросу сохранения культурного наследия коренных народов.


В статье рассмотрен внешнеполитический курс России в отношении США в 1991–1996 гг. Показано стремление руководства России достичь уровня стратегического партнерства с Соединенными Штатами в условиях становления новой российской государственности и ослабления международных позиций страны. Сделан вывод о крахе неоправданных надежд и иллюзий Москвы на равноправное сотрудничество с Вашингтоном.
