Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Всеобщая история и международные отношения

The Baron and the Thieves: Lord Thomas Dacre and the Inhabitants of Tynedale and Riddesdale (1511–1525)

This paper is dedicated to the Anglo-Scottish border in the 1st quarter of the 16th century. Based on the materials of the politics of the baron Dacre, the General Warden of the Marches, the author demonstrates peculiarities of the relations between the Crown, the nobility and local gentry.

Spanish Women’s Manual of the 16th Century

The article deals with the Women’s Manual published in the 16th century in Spain. The Manual contains 145 recipes. The author of the article thinks that this receptary was intended for rich Spanish women and helped them to become proficient in the basics of cosmetology and medicine.

Italian Impressions of H. Walpole

The article is devoted to the analysis of events concerning the Italian Tour undertaken by H. Walpole in 1739-1741. Young English aristocrats set off for a Grand Tour to the continent to complete their education. Horace Walpole was a representative of the mid-18th century English culture. He was active in many fields, but the article focuses on the impact of the everyday Italian culture on the views of young Walpole

Early Reviews of Travel Literature on the Pages of the Edinburgh Review: Images of the East

The author of this article studies the images of the East in the reviews of the travel literature in the first edition of the British periodical the Edinburgh Review, which was published in 1802. Particular attention is paid to the image of Turkey in the review of the work by G. A. Olivier “Travel in the Ottoman Empire, Egypt, and Persia, undertaken by order of the Government of France, during the first six years of the Republic” (1801).

Dual Dimension of the French Diplomacy Concerning Algeria at the Close of the 20th Century

The present article considers French-Algerian relations during the political crisis and armed conflict in Algeria in the 1990s. The author analyses the main tendencies of interrelations between France and Algeria through duality of the French diplomacy in political and economic fields and also through the balance between bilateral and international approaches of the French foreign policy to Algeria.


The article analyzes the process of strategic planning in the post-Soviet space. Using comparative analysis the author singles out two groups of the CIS countries with different long-term strategies. Special attention is given to the consideration of a new long-term Kazakhstan Strategy known as “Strategy of Kazakhstan-2050: A new political course for Kazakhstan in the fast changing world”.

The London Ruling Elite of the 14th–16th centuries: the hierarchy of statuses and power

In the context of the “new social history” the article analyzes the structure of the power institutions of London and the hierarchy of the socio-professional and administrative-official statuses within the frame of the ruling city elite in the XIV–XVI centuries.

Artifacts from the Sairhe settlement in the context of the relationship between Colchis and Achaemenid Iran

In this paper, the study of the relationship between Colchis and Achaemenid Iran involved materials from settlement Sairkhe - the easternmost part of the ancient Colchis. As a result of archaeological study of the monument were found toreutics items and jewelry, indicating the existence of cultural and diplomatic contacts with the Achaemenid world. The architectural remains also found in this settlement may shed light on the political status of Colchis as a part of the Persian Empire.

Crime in the English medieval town in the last third of XV century (based on the materials of the city of York)

The article is about the crime rate and crime components in British cities in the last third of the XVcentury. A case study of York City Books points out the peculiarities of crime in the city of York in the affected period. The author concludes that the tense political struggle in England in the second half of the XV century has contributed to the deterioration of the situation.

The Origin and Dispersion of the Slavs in French historiography of the second half of the XVIII century

The article is focused on the views of the French historians of the second half of the XVIII century, Pierre-Charles Levesque and Nicolas-Gabriel Leclerc, concerning the problems of the origin and dispersion of the Slavs. The matters in point are placed in the context of the Russian and French historiography, as well as the general perception of the ancient Russian history by foreign authors, which makes it possible to have a new look at the subjects studied.
