Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


The Saratov University During the First World War (1914– 1917)

In the article the life of the Saratov University during the First World War (before 1917) is examined. The changes in the activity of professorial and students’ corporations connected with the war’s tasks are analyzed. The special emphasis is made on indices of growth and development of this higher school.

Building of the University...

The article eximines the basic stages of evolution of the SSU. The main attention focused at the two sides of this process: the buildings construction and perfection of educational process. The author discribes how the university became one of the largest educational centers with more then 30 thousands students and post-graduates and more then a dozen Departments and Institutes now, from the small educational institution located in a single building with just 92 students.

The Role of Testimony’s Texts in the Forming of Scenarios of Ritual Processes in Russian Empire in XIX Century

The ritual processes in Russia were the official reaction on ideological and religious crises in Empire. The scenarios of these processes indicated the negative image of «alien». Those «aliens» could be the Jews, sectarians or pagans, all distinguished from the system of official religious ideology.The testimonies adapted general scenario to the concrete process.

Russian Researchers is Consider Reorganization of the Executive Branch in Years of Roosevelt’s “New Deal”

F.D. Roosevelt’s «New Deal» still stays among the favorite topics for Russian researchers. But the evolution in the approaches is absolutely clear: firstly the interest of the soviet historians was placed in the field of the pure science, but today we can establish the fact of the widening researcher’s range. First of all in this case we have to talk about the phenomenon of «Imperial Presidency» as a F.D. Roosevelt’s reforms result.

ontemporary British Historiography on the Economic Status of Bishops of the Church of England in 16th – Early 17th Centuries

The article deals with the works of contemporary British historians who turned their attention to the economic aspects of the Reformation in England. The contemporary British historiography understands the Reformation primarily as a phenomenon of religious and political history that may be seen in the works of British conservative and liberal historians. At the same time some British historians of the second half of the 20th century (Ch. Hill, Ph. Hembry and F.

Study of German History in the Middle Age in the Saratov University

The author of this article study a teaching of middle ages history in the Saratov University. This article consider a merit of saratov's historians in the investigation of German history in the middle age. The author use in his work a publish material and his personal remembrances, because he was in contact with everybody of historians-germanists in Saratov University.
