Izvestiya of Saratov University.

History. International Relations

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ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

For citation:

Erohin V. N. ontemporary British Historiography on the Economic Status of Bishops of the Church of England in 16th – Early 17th Centuries. Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2008, vol. 8, iss. 2, pp. 91-99.

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ontemporary British Historiography on the Economic Status of Bishops of the Church of England in 16th – Early 17th Centuries

Erohin Vladimir N., North-Eastern State University

The article deals with the works of contemporary British historians who turned their attention to the economic aspects of the Reformation in England. The contemporary British historiography understands the Reformation primarily as a phenomenon of religious and political history that may be seen in the works of British conservative and liberal historians. At the same time some British historians of the second half of the 20th century (Ch. Hill, Ph. Hembry and F. Heal in particular) relying upon the methodological approaches of the social history showed in their works that the analysis of economic reasons and aspects of the Reformation enables to get more deep understanding of the religious and political history of England in 16th–17th centuries.

  1. Hill C. Economic Problems of the Church. From Archbishop Whitgift to the Long Parliament. Oxford, 1956. 
  2. Savin A.N. English Monasteries on the Eve of the Dissolution. L., 1909. P. 100.
  3. Dietz F.C. English Government Finance, 1485– 1558 // University of Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences. 1932. IX. № 3. Р. 80–82, 138, 221.
  4. Willan T.S. The Parliamentary Surveys for the North Riding of Yorkshire // Yorkshire Archaeol. J. 1937. XXXI. P. 281; Kerridge E. The Movement of Rent, 1540–1640 // Econ. History Rev. 1972. 2nd Ser. VI. № 1. Р. 33–34.
  5. Hill C. Economic Problems of the Church. From Archbishop Whitgift to the Long Parliament. Oxford, 1956. P. 5.
  6. Leighton A. An Appeal to the Parliament, or Sions Plea against the Prelacy. L., 1628. P. 264.
  7. Hill C. Economic Problems of the Church…. P. 8.
  8. Ibid. P. 9–11.
  9. Ibid. P. 12.
  10. Ibid. P. 14–23.
  11. Ibid. P. 18–21.
  12. Ibid. P. 26.
  13. Ibid. P. 27.
  14. Ibid. P. 31–33.
  15. Ibid. P. 108.
  16. Ibid. P. 115–121.
  17. Ibid. P. 192–196.
  18. Ibid. P. 315.
  19. Ibid. P. 254.
  20. Ibid. P. 3.
  21. Ibid. P. 258.
  22. Ibid. P. 255.
  23. Heal F. Of Prelates and Princes: A Study of the Economic and Social Position of the Tudor Episcopate. Cambridge, 1980.
  24. Ibid. P. 72.
  25. Caley J., Hunter J. Valor Ecclesiasticus temp. Henrici VIII, Auctoritate Regia Institus. Record Commission, 1810–1834.
  26. Ibid. P. 53.
  27. Ibid. P. 54.
  28. Ibid. P. 55–58.
  29. Ibid. P. 60.
  30. Ibid. P. 62–63.
  31. Ibid. P. 67–69.
  32. Ibid. P. 71.
  33. Ibid. P. 101–102.
  34. Ibid. P. 188–190.
  35. Ibid. P. 162–163.
  36. Ibid. P. 201.
  37. Ibid. P. 204–207.
  38. Ibid. P. 209–210.
  39. Kitching C.J. The Quest for Concealed Lands in the Reign of Elizabeth I // TRHS 5th Series. 1974. XXIV. P. 63–78; Heal F. Of Prelates and Princes…. P. 214–215, 233.
  40. Ibid. P. 221.
  41. Ibid. P. 228.
  42. Ibid. P. 234.
  43. Berlatsky J.A. Marriage and Family in a Tudor Elite // J. of Family History 1978. III. P. 12. 62 См.: Heal F. Of Prelates and Princes…. P. 245.
  44. Berlatsky J.A. Op. cit. P. 18.
  45. Heal F. Of Prelates and Princes…. P. 247–249, 256.
  46. Ibid. P. 271–273.
  47. Ibid. P. 278.
  48. Ibid. P. 291–297.
  49. Ibid. P. 313–315, 320.
  50. Ibid. P. 321–322.
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