For citation:
Koroleva O. V. Holidays and Everyday Life of «the Great Mogul» through the Eyes of the First English Travellers (late XVI – early XVII Centurie). Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2009, vol. 9, iss. 2, pp. 54-59. DOI: 10.18500/1819-4907-2009-9-2-54-59
Holidays and Everyday Life of «the Great Mogul» through the Eyes of the First English Travellers (late XVI – early XVII Centurie)
This article analyse the portrayal of Eastern ruler as ‘another’ culture by English travellers. The endeavour was to show what were early modern English perceptions of a way of life of the Emperor Jahangir. During the first period of English commercial presence in India, the figuration of a culture was represented by its ruler. This practice homogenized and simplified a culture, making it more easily knowable and thus inferior. In the English travel writing of East, a ruler quickly becomes the focus of the civilized/barbaric binary. The Jahangir, figured in this way as «the Great Mogul», becomes the subject of discourses about exoticism, cruelty, and sensuality that characterize Eastern ruler (supreme or local), and his power were depicted was despotic if not tyrannical. That allowed Europeans to declare their superiority over the most powerful and impressive non-European civilizations during early modern time.
- A relation of a voyage to the Eastern Indis, observed by of Edward Terry... // Hakluytus posthumus, or, Purchas his Pilgrimes/ Samuel Purchas. L., 1625. Part 1, Book 9. P.1480; Obsevations collected out of the journal of Sir Thomas Roe... // Hakluytus posthumus, or, Purchas his Pilgrimes/ Samuel Purchas. L., 1625. Part 1, Book 4. P. 550.
- A relation of a voyage to the Eastern Indis, observed by of Edward Terry... P.1480.
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- Captaine William Hawkins, his relations of the occurrents which happened in the time of his residence in India... // Hakluytus posthumus, or, Purchas his Pilgrimes / Samuel Purchas. L., 1625. Part 1, Book 3. P. 218.
- Obsevations collected out of the journal of Sir Thomas Roe... P. 562.
- A relation of a voyage to the Eastern Indis, observed by of Edward Terry... P.1481.
- Ibid. P.1472.
- Ibid. P.1480.
- Captaine William Hawkins, his relations... P. 224.
- Observations of William Finch... // Hakluytus posthumus, or, Purchas his Pilgrimes / Samuel Purchas. L., 1625. Part 1, Book 3. P. 429
- Captaine William Hawkins, his relations... P. 224.
- European travelers in India during the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries... / Ed. by Farley Oaten. Cambridge, 1909. P. 145.
- A relation of a voyage to the Eastern Indis, observed by of Edward Terry... P.1475.
- Captaine William Hawkins, his relations... P. 224.
- The second voyage of Captain Walter Payton into the EastIndies... // Hakluytus posthumus, or, Purchas his Pilgrimes. L., 1625. Part 1, Book 4. P. 533 – 534.
- Aune M. G. Elephants, Englishmen and India: Eatly Modern Travel Writing and the Pre-Colonial Movement // Early Modern Literary Studies. 2005. 11.1 (May). P. 16.
- A Letter of M. Thomas Coryat, which travelled by land from Ierusalem to the Court of the Great Mogul, to Mr L. Whitaker, dated in the Year 1615 // Hakluytus posthumus, or, Purchas his Pilgrimes/ Samuel Purchas. L., 1625. Part 1, Book 3. P. 594.
- Certaine Observations wtitten, by Thomas Coryat // Ibid. P. 600.
- Norman D. Islam and the West: The Making of an Image. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1962. P. 137.
- A relation of a voyage to the Eastern Indis, observed by of Edward Terry... P. 1478.
- Ibid. P.1474.
- Captaine William Hawkins, his relations... P. 224.
- Ibid. P. 225.
- Observations of William Finch... P. 429; A relation of a voyage to the Eastern Indis, observed by of Edward Terry... P.1472, 1480; A Letter of M. Thomas Coryat... P. 594; European travelers in India during the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries... P. 145.
- Captaine William Hawkins, his relations... P. 219.
- Ibid. P. 222.
- Observations of William Finch... P. 429.
- Ibid. P. 430.
- Ibid. P. 429.
- Journal of Sir Thomas Roe, Ambassador from King James I, to Shah Jehanguiro, Mogul Emperor of Hindoostan // A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels / Ed. by R. Kerr. Vol. IX. L.: William Blackwood, Edinburgh and T. Cadell, 1824. P. 153. Режим доступа: 25.09.2008. – Загл. с экрана
- Ibid. P. 154.
- Obsevations collected out of the journal of Sir Thomas Roe... P. 542.
- Ibid. P. 543.
- A relation of a voyage to the Eastern Indis, observed by of Edward Terry... P. 1481.
- Obsevations collected out of the journal of Sir Thomas Roe... P. 562.