Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

cultural dialogue

Holidays and Everyday Life of «the Great Mogul» through the Eyes of the First English Travellers (late XVI – early XVII Centurie)

This article analyse the portrayal of Eastern ruler as ‘another’ culture by English travellers. The endeavour was to show what were early modern English perceptions of a way of life of the Emperor Jahangir. During the first period of English commercial presence in India, the figuration of a culture was represented by its ruler. This practice homogenized and simplified a culture, making it more easily knowable and thus inferior. In the English travel writing of East, a ruler quickly becomes the focus of the civilized/barbaric binary.

The Portrayal and Place of Eastern City in the Papers of English Travelers, Late 16 – Early 17 Centuries

In the present papers there is analysis of different views presented in the English travel writings. The purpose was to show what early modern English perceptions of ‘Eastern’ cities and their inhabitants as ‘another’ culture were. The author analyzes the constants making an image of east Eastern city, and reveals the mechanism of designing of ‘another’ space by the English travellers. In the article the common and specific things in their perception of different countries is emphasized.

Abstract B. I. Kurakin’s Impressions of Italy

In the reign of Peter I the Great diplomats were not only representatives of Russian interests in the world but were also media of national cultural values dissemination. A vivid example of such experience is Prince B. I. Kurakin. Being in Rome he tried to understand the essence of political and economic arrangements of the society, peculiarities of social development. As the description of Rome was one of the first B. I. Kurakin’s impressions of the West, it was a bit naïve.