For citation:
Buranok S. O. The Battle of Midway in the Estimates of the U. S. Press June 4–6, 1942. Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2011, vol. 11, iss. 2, pp. 84-88. DOI: 10.18500/1819-4907-2011-11-2-2-84-88
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The Battle of Midway in the Estimates of the U. S. Press June 4–6, 1942
Buranok Sergey O., Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education
In article of an estimation of press of the USA of Battle of Midway are analyzed. Specificity this opinions is revealed. Sources of formation of opinions and estimations are considered.
Key words:
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- Даже в монографии Р. Ф. Иванова и Н. К. Петровой, посвящённой общественно-политическим силам в годы войны, эти вопросы остались без ответа. См.: Иванов Р. Ф., Петрова Н. К. Общественно-политические силы СССР и США в годы войны. Воронеж, 1995.
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- Navy Department Communiqués 1–300 and Pertinent Press Releases: December 10, 1941 to March 5, 1943. Washington, 1943. Р. 56.
- Los Angeles Times. 1942. June 5. P. 1.
- Pittsburgh Press. 1942. June 5. P. 1.
- Ibid. P. 2.
- Chicago Daily Tribune. 1942. June 5. P. 1.
- Deseret News. 1942. June 5. P. 1.
- Youngstown Vindicator. 1942. June 5. P. 1.
- Washington Reporter. 1942. June 5. P. 1.
- Daily Boston Globe. 1942. June 5. P. 1.
- Hartford Courant. 1942. June 5. P. 1.
- Christian Science Monitor Magazine. 1942. June 5. P. 1.
- Spokane Daily Chronicle. 1942. June 5. P. 1.
- Ibid. P. 1.
- New York Times. 1942. June 5. P. 1.
- Ibid. P. 3.
- Pittsburgh Press. 1942. June 5. P. 1 ; Youngstown Vindicator. 1942. June 5. P. 1; Deseret News. 1942. June 5. P. 1 ; Christian Science Monitor Magazine. 1942. June 5. P. 1 ; Spokane Daily Chronicle. 1942. June 5. P. 1.
- Sarasota Herald-Tribune. 1942. June 5. P. 1, 2.
- Поттер Э. Указ. соч. С. 179.
- Commander in Chief, Pacifi c Fleet report, Serial 01849 of 28 June 1942. World War II action reports, Modern Military Branch, National Archives and Records Administration, College Park; War Diary NAS Midway. National Archives and Records Administration. Pacifi c Region (San Bruno, CA). Record Group 313.
- New York Times. 1942. June 6. P. 1.
- Ibid. P. 1.
- Ibid.
- Navy Department Communiqués … Р. 56.
- Chicago Daily Tribune. 1942. June 6. P. 1.
- Ibid. P. 1–2.
- Hartford Courant. 1942. June 6. P. 1.
- Los Angeles Times. 1942. June 6. P. 1.
- Ibid. P. 3.
- Christian Science Monitor Magazine. 1942. June 6. P. 1 ; The Sun. 1942. June 6. P. 1.
- News and Courier. 1942. June 6. P. 1.
- Commander in Chief, Pacifi c Fleet report, Serial 01849 of 28 June 1942. World War II action reports, Modern Military Branch, National Archives and Records Administration, College Park ; Nimitz Chester W. Collection. University of the Pacifi c. University Library. Box 1.
- U. S. S. Enterprise Action Report, Battle of Midway Island, Serial 0133, June 4–6, 1942. World War II action reports, Modern Military Branch, National Archives and Records Administration, College Park.
- U. S. S. Hornet Report of Action, 4–6 June 1942. World War II action reports, Modern Military Branch, National Archives and Records Administration, College Park ; U. S. S. Yorktown Report of Action, 4–6 June 1942. World War II action reports, Modern Military Branch, National Archives and Records Administration, College Park