For citation:
Koroleva O. V. The Portrayal and Place of Eastern City in the Papers of English Travelers, Late 16 – Early 17 Centuries. Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2011, vol. 11, iss. 2, pp. 56-63. DOI: 10.18500/1819-4907-2011-11-2-2-56-63, EDN: OPYQOV
The Portrayal and Place of Eastern City in the Papers of English Travelers, Late 16 – Early 17 Centuries
In the present papers there is analysis of different views presented in the English travel writings. The purpose was to show what early modern English perceptions of ‘Eastern’ cities and their inhabitants as ‘another’ culture were. The author analyzes the constants making an image of east Eastern city, and reveals the mechanism of designing of ‘another’ space by the English travellers. In the article the common and specific things in their perception of different countries is emphasized. In the English travel writing about the East, a city and inhabitants quickly becomes (become) the focus of the civilized/barbaric binary. That allowed Europeans to declare their superiority over the most powerful and impressive non-European civilizations during early modern times. The author used a wide range of sources, including diaries of travellers, ship magazines, memoirs and the descriptions of travel written by eyewitnesses upon returning home, letters of travellers to friends and acquaintances.
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- Например, см.: The voyage of Mr Ralph Fitch… // The principall navigations, voyages, and discoveries of the English nation… / ed. by R. Hakluyt. Vol. 2. L.: By George Bishop and Ralph Newberie…, 1599. P. 252, 260 ; Sir Thomas Herbert Baronet, his travels, begun in 1626, inti divers parts of Africa and Asia Major and in India… // Navigantium atque itinerantium bibliotheca, or, a compleat Collection of voyages and travels… / ed. by H. Jonh. Vol. II. L., 1705. P. 423.
- См.: A Journall of the journey of Richard Steel and John Crowther… // Hakluytus posthumus, or, Purchas his Pilgrimes. Part 1. Book 4. L.: Imprinted for H. Fetherston, 1625. P. 520 ; Extracts of a Tractate, written by Mr. Nicholas Whittington… // Hakluytus posthumus, or, Purchas his Pilgrimes. Part 1. Book 4. P. 483 ; A relation of a voyage to the Eastern India. Observed by of Edward Terry… // Hakluytus posthumus, or, Purchas his Pilgrimes. Part 1. Book 9. P. 1467, 1470, 1471.
- Sir Thomas Herbert’s travels in India… P. 411.
- Observations of William Finch, merchant, taken out of his large journall // Hakluytus Posthumus, or, Purchas his Pilgrimes. Part 1. Book 3. P. 432.
- A Letter of M. Thomas Coryat, which travelled by land from Ierusalem to the Court of the Great Mogul, to Mr. L. Whitaker, dated in the Year 1615 // Hakluytus Posthumus, or, Purchas his Pilgrimes. Part 1. Book 3. P. 593.
- A relation of a voyage to the Eastern Indis, observed by of Edward Terry… P. 1467.
- Journall of the journey of Richard Steel and John Crowther… P. 520.
- A Discourse of Java, and of the first English Factory there, with divers Indian, English, and Dutch Occurrences; written by Mr Edmund Scot, containing a History of Things done from the 11th February, 1602, till the 6th October, 1605, abbreviated // Hakluytus Posthumus, or, Purchas his Pilgrimes. Part 1. Book 3. P. 164.
- См.: Sir Thomas Herbert’s travels in India… P. 411.
- См.: The voyage of Mr. Ralph Fitch… P. 258.
- Obsevations collected out of the journal of Sir Thomas Roe… P. 541.
- Ibid. P. 540.
- Observations of William Finch… P. 428.
- The travels of Peter Mundy in Asia (1625–34) // Amazons, Savages, and Machiavels: Travel and colonial Writing in English, 1550–1630. An Anthology / ed. by A. Hadfield. Oxford, 2002. P. 233.
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- См.: Lach D. F., Van Kley E. J. Asia in the making of Europe. Vol. 3. A Century of Advance. Book 1: Trade, missions, literature. Chicago, 1998. P. 552.
- A Discourse of Java, and of the fi rst English Factory there, with divers Indian, English, and Dutch Occurrences; written by Mr Edmund Scot… P. 167.
- A relation of a voyage to the Eastern Indis, observed by of Edward Terry… P. 1476.
- А Discourse of Java, and of the fi rst English Factory there… written by Mr Edmund Scot… P. 165.
- Sir Thomas Herbert’s travels from in India… P. 423.
- Ibid. P. 458.
- Ibidem.
- Ibidem.
- Ibidem.
- Ibidem.
- См.: Adams W. Memorials of the Empire of Japan… / ed. by T. Rundall. L., 1850. P. 44.
- Hatch A. A letter toughing Japon whirh the government, affaires and later occurrents there writing to me by master Arhtur Hatch // Hakluytus posthumus, or, Purchas his Pilgrimes. Part 1. Book 10. P. 1701.
- Ibidem.
- В ранних рассказах путешественники в Индию называли львами тигров.
- Observations of William Finch… P. 430.
- A relation of a voyage to the Eastern Indis, observed by of Edward Terry… P. 1481.
- Ibidem.
- См.: Coryat T. Certaine Observations wtitten, by Thomas Coryat // Hakluytus posthumus, or Purchas his Pilgrimes. Part 1. Book 3. P. 600.
- Ibidem.
- The voyage of Mr Ralph Fitch… P. 254.
- Sir Thomas Herbert’s travels from in India… P. 411.
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- Cocks R. Relation of master Richard Cocks cape merchant… are added divers Letters of his and others // Hakluytus posthumus, or, Purchas his Pilgrimes. Part 1. Book 4. P. 396.
- Ibid. P. 397.
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- Там же.
- A Letter of M. Thomas Coryat from Agra, the Capital City of the dominion of the Great Mogul in the Eastern India, the last of October, 1616. P. 598.
- Ibidem.
- Ibidem.
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- Sir Thomas Herbert’s travels in India… P. 464.
- A Discourse of Java, and of the fi rst English Factory there… written by Mr Edmund Scot… P. 166–167.
- Sir Thomas Herbert’s travels from in India… P. 466.
- Heylyn P. Op. cit. P. 918.
- Sir Thomas Herbert’s travels in India… P. 463.
- A relation of a voyage to the Eastern Indis, observed by of Edward Terry… P. 1471.