Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

civil war

Charles VI – rex inutilis? (on the issue of the crisis of royal power in France at the beginning of the 15th century)

This article is devoted to the study of the features of the crisis of royal power in France at the beginning of the 15th century. He was provoked by the mental illness of King Charles VI, since in France there was no practice of transferring power in the event of the incapacity of the king to his sons. The situation was complicated by the fact that the heirs had not yet reached the age of majority. This circumstance caused a split among the relatives into two groups: supporters and opponents of the removal of the king from the throne.

The research of the All-Russian Local Council 1917–1918 and regional (district) Councils of the Russian Church in 1918–1920 in the modern Russian historiography

The author of the paper analyses modern scientific works in which the All-Russian Local Council 1917–1918 is examined. Moreover, the historiography of the regional (district) councils that took place in the Russian Church during the Local Council and the Civil war (All-Ukranian in Kyiv, Siberian in Tomsk, South-Eastern in Stavropol and also the attempt to convene the Council in the Far East), is researched. The author also talks about the key book series and publishing projects that have been accomplished during the last two decades.

Social Policy of Committee of Members of the Constituent Assembly (1918)

In article the main directions of social policy of Committee of members of the Constituent assembly, attempt of the solution of working and country questions in the conditions of Civil war in Russia are considered, the conflict reasons between the people and the power are analyzed.

Spanish Republican Fleet in 1936 Сampaign

Productive forces placement in Spain in XX c. made the country dependent on the control of the basic naval communications bordering the aquatorium. Military revolt, which broke out in 1936, made the situation even worse. However, it gave the Republic the opportunity to achieve sea superiority. Several failures of the Republican fleet during the first months of the Civil War and government policy of Madrid led to the sea blockade.

The concept of “brutalization” of society and its possibilities for analyzing the Great Russian Revolution

The article analyzesforeign historiography onthe problem of “brutalization” of society afterthe First World War. In particular,the works of historians of Western European universities, which do not have publications in Russian, are considered. The author attempts to correlate the conclusions of foreign researchers about the impact of the First World War on the “coarsening” of European society with the events that took place in Russia after 1917.

The beginning of the XXth century as the critical moment in the history of the Ural Cossacks: the positing of the problem

The article tells about the role of the Ural Cossacks before and during  the revolution of the 1917 and the civil war in Russia. The author points out the key issues, with may help to solve the problem of finding the reasons of the mutual hostility between the Ural Cossacks and the Soviet authority

Main directions of propaganda Gaius Julius Caesar

Article explores the question of the directions of propagation Gaius Julius Caesar. The author concludes that the Caesar's political propaganda, nominated more numerous, more powerful and meaningful slogans has helped defeat Pompey and his supporters in 49–45 years. BC.

The Noble Family of Bekhteevs in Russian History (15th – Early 20th Centurie)

The article deals with the history of the Russian noble family of Behteevs from the end of the XV century until the revolution of 1917 and the civil war in Russia that followed. The author studies the most famous Yelets-Voronezh branch of the Behteev family, the representatives of which played an important role in the history of the Russian state for several centuries.

Caesareans in 44–42 BC: the Genesis of the Slogans of Political Propaganda

The article considers the problems of the Caesarians’ split in the period 44-42. BC, the stages of genesis and orientation of the slogans of political propaganda are traced, the methods of conducting the struggle are studied. Based on the sources, the author outlines the main themes used by the Caesarians during the ideological confrontation. The analysis leads to the conclusion that the propaganda of the Caesarians was guided by wider public circles.

The Formation of the Cultural and Educational Environment During the Years of the Civil War in Saratov Gubernia (Based on the Materials of Balashov District)

Having come to power, the Bolsheviks along with socio-economic, political, state and legal transformations began cultural and educational changes. The paper attempts to consider the formation of Soviet culture and education in the Russian province using the example and materials of one of the uyezds of Saratov gubernia. The author comes to the conclusion that the undertakings of the uyezd authorities in this sphere of public life were not well thought out and organized.
