For citation:
Pomogalova O. I. The Magnitude and Causes of Famine 1921 in the Volga Region in Western Historiography. Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2011, vol. 11, iss. 2, pp. 71-73. DOI: 10.18500/1819-4907-2011-11-2-1-71-73
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The Magnitude and Causes of Famine 1921 in the Volga Region in Western Historiography
Pomogalova Oxana Igorevna, Saratov State University
The article is devoted to the investigation of western researchers’ views on the extent and causes of the famine 1921–1922 in the Volga region. It also takes into consideration their assessments of the factors that prompted the Soviet government to apply Western countries for humanitarian aid.
Key words:
- McNamara P. A Catholic Cold War: Edmund A. Walsh, S.J. and the Politics of American AntiCommunism. N.Y., 2005. P. 24.
- Russian Famine // The New Republic. 1921. August 10.
- См.: Goodrich J. P. The Plight of Russia // Outlook 132. 1922. January 11.
- Summary Report Commission on Russian Relief of the National Information Bureau The Russian Famines 1921–1922, 1922–1923. N.Y., 1923. P. 26.
- Nansen F. Russia and the world. M.-Pg. StatePublishing House, 1923. Р. 147.
- См.: Landfi eld J. The Relief of Starving Russians // The American Review of Reviews 64. 1921. September 12.
- Goodrich J. P. Op. cit.
- Summary Report Commission on Russian Relief. P. 26.
- Bertrand М. Patenaude. The Big Show in Bololand: The American Relief Expedition to Soviet Russia in the Famine of 1921. Stanford, 2002. Р. 15.
- См.: Fisher H. H. The Famine in Soviet Russia 1919–1923: The Operations of the American Relief Administration. Stanford, 1971. P. 6.
- См.: Arnold D. Famine: Social Crisis and Historical Change. Oxford, 1988. P. 29.
- Saul N. E. Friends of Foes? The United States and Soviet Russia, 1921–1941. Lawrence, 2006. P. 60.
- Prokopovich S. N. National economy USSR. T. I. N.Y., 1952. P. 32.
- Fisher H. Op. cit. P. 7.
- Arnold D. Op. cit. P. 29.
- Long J. W. The Volga Germans and the Famine of 1921 // Russian Review 5. 1992. October 4.
- См.: Haller F. Famine in Russia: the hidden horrors of 1921 // Le Temps. 2003. August 12.
- Edmondson C. M. Soviet Famine Relief Services, 1921– 1923. Florida State University, 1970. P. 63.
- См.: Edmondson С. M. The Politics of Hunger: The Soviet Response to Famine. 1921 ; Soviet Studies. Vol. 29 (1977). № 4. P. 507.
- Ibid. P. 515.
- См.: Haller F. Op. cit..
- Weissman B. M. Herbert Hoover and Famine Relief to Soviet Russia: 1921–1923. Hoover Inst Pr. Stanford, 1974. P. 2.
- Ibid. P. 8.
- См.: Fisher H. Op. cit. P. 50.
- Edmondson С. M. The Politics of Hunger. P. 506.
- Tikhon P. The Children Are Starving. Unpublished manuscript. ACUA, 1921. July 5. P. 149.
- Ibid. P. 8.
- Цит. по: Haller F. Op. cit.