Izvestiya of Saratov University.

History. International Relations

ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

For citation:

Denisov S. A. Local fief system in Scalovia in 1280–1370. Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 1, pp. 40-47. DOI: 10.18500/1819-4907-2021-21-1-40-47

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Local fief system in Scalovia in 1280–1370

Denisov Sergey A., Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The article is devoted to the condition of lieges from Scalovia in the State of Teutonic Order, who possessed land estates of 2–6 hakens and were obliged to keep military service and built fortifications. Among representatives of this group, whose possessions were located mainly near the rivers Memel and Jura, there was accumulation of property and fragmentation of land estates. By stabilizing landholding, the Order could receive regular growing in number of lieges, that testified to successful incorporation of Scalovians in the new social system.

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  24. Preussisches Urkundenbuch. Bd. 1. Hft. 2. S. 373. № 595. 52 Ibid. Bd. 5. Lief. 1–3. S. 412–413. № 723.
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  26. Die Chronik Wigands von Marburg. S. 509. № 37. S. 549. № 61.
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  28. Petri de Dusburg Chronicon terrae Prussiae. S. 157. № 251. S. 158–159. № 255, 257, 259. S. 164. № 271. S. 166–167. № 280. S. 179–180. № 317, 318. S. 183. № 330. S. 183. № 332. S. 189–190. № 351. S. 215. № 8. S. 217. № 15.
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  34. Petri de Dusburg. Chronicon terrae Prussiae. S. 180, № 319, 320 ; S. 183, № 331 ; S. 189–190. № 351, etc. S. 133. № 182. S. 151. № 235.
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  36. Preussisches Urkundenbuch. Bd. 3. Lief. 1. S. 108–109. № 150. Bd. 6. Lief. 2. S. 412–413. № 723. S. 413. № 723. Bd. 2. Lief. 1–3. S. 535. № 799. Bd. 3. Lief. 1. S. 108–109. № 150. Bd. 3. Lief. 2. S. 535–534. № 652. Bd. 1. Hft. 2. S. 257–259. № 380 ; S. 503–504. № 809 ; S. 504. № 810. Bd. 2. Lief. 1–3. S. 303–304. № 425 ; S. 464. № 700 ; S. 486. № 733 ; S. 535. № 799 ; S. 535–536. № 800. Bd. 6. Lief. 1. S. 68. № 125.
  37. Codex Diplomaticus Warmiensis. Bd. 2 / Hrgb. von C. P. Woelky, J. M. Saage. Mainz : Verlag von Franz Kirchheim, 1864. P. 37–38. № 36.
  38. Petri de Dusburg Chronicon terrae Prussiae. S. 133. № 180 ; S. 135. № 187. S. 134. № 184.
  39. Die Chronik Wigands von Marburg. S. 656. № 162. Petri de Dusburg Chronicon terrae Prussiae… S. 160. № 260 ; S. 179. № 316. S. 173–174. № 298.
  40. Die Chronik Wigands von Marburg. S. 560. № 72. S. 624. № 136.
  41. Aussage alter Leute über die Ausdehnung des Ordensgebietes an der Grenze Samaitens // Scriptores rerum prussicarum. Bd. 2. S. 709.