Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Tenement Houses in Saratov

The article considers merchant tenement houses genesis in Saratov. The paper analyses the architecture of objects in question. One deals with three directions replacing each other successively: classicism, eclecticism (historicism), and modern. Apart from the history and the development of tenement houses that are worth paying attention to, interest to such buildings is also explained by resuming of such civil engineering today.

Semantic Field of Concept «Reason» in XVIII Century Aesthetic Thought (on A. Popes’ Works)

This work concerns revealing basic signatures of the concept «reason» (wit, judgment, understanding, sense etc.) and their semantic interrelations in aesthetic discourses of XVIII. The analysis is made on the basis of the works of Pope on art criticism. The author notes that in the English lexicon of the first half of XVIII century «reason» united around itself majority of concepts denoting cognitive and creative activity of a person.

Some Traces of the Classical Tradition in the Culture of the Russian Provinces in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century: Ivan F. Sinaisky as a Hellenist in Saratov

The article gives the most important examples of classicism in the culture of Saratov province namely in architecture and education. The author focuses his attention on the activities of Ivan F. Sinaisky (1799–1870) as a teacher in Greek both in Gymnasium and in Orthodox Theological Seminary in Saratov. Works translated by I. Sinaisky from Greek, his manuals and dictionaries for those who learned Greek, as well as his articles on Greek and Greek authors are being considered in the context of Russian and European classicism.

The furniture decoration of the Winter Palace’s Yellow Drawing Room. A. de Montferrand, 1827–28

In the furniture collection of the State Hermitage there is a suite of furniture designed by Auguste de Montferrand in 1827-1828. As the famous architect’s contribution to decorative arts has not been studied thoroughly yet, the attribution of the furniture created for the one of the Winter Palace ceremonial apartments, the Yellow Drawing Room of Empress Maria Fiodorovna, is a subject  of a particular interest.