Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

русское общество

Imaginary or Real Necessity of War with Ottoman Empire per 1877–1878? (on materials of sources of a personal origin)

Clause is devoted to analysis of the various points of view on necessity of war with Turkey, and also critical estimations of Russian army and readness of Russia for operations. The author consides positions of various representatives of Russian society – historians D.I. Ilovajskogo, M.P. Dragomanova; the representative of high society of prince V.P. Meshcherskogo.

The Russians in the Balkans in 1876 in the Light of the Personal Origin

The article is dedicated to the memoir heritage of the Serbian war of 1876. The author considers the forming of the views of Russian society on the Balkan conflict and analyses memoirs of V.D. Palenov, A.N. Khvostov, V.P. Mescherskey, N.N. Durnovo. The memoirs represent the actions of Russian volunteers in the Serbian army, the volunteers’ heroism, and shows the concept of the war from ordinary soldiers’ point of view.

The 500-year anniversary of Jan Hus’ tragic death and the Russian society during the First World War

The author of the article considers the peculiarities of the Russian society’s perception of the great Czech philosopher Jan Hus’ heritage during the First World War and identifies the causes of the sudden surge of interest towards this personality and doctrine in Russia in 1914–1918.