Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


“Historian by inclination” and “Zoshchenko in philosophy”: The scandalous career of the writer H. G. Ajemyan

In the 1940s and 1950s, the writer H. G. Ajemyan actively participated in a number of important scientific discussions on history and philosophy: a meeting of historians in 1944, a discussion about the movement of Caucasian mountaineers, a philosophical discussion in 1947, a discussion of a report on the nature of nations in 1957, at which he was the main “troublemaker”.

«Great turning point» in nation-building in the North Caucasus

The article considers some aspects of national-state building in the North Caucasus region in 30-s years of the XX century. The author emphasizes that at this stage of the Nations to the full extent become a subject in the policy of the bureaucratic state.

Национальная идентичность и массовое сознание во Франции периода религиозных войн XVI века

В статье рассматриваются проблемы становления национальной идентичности французов в XVI веке. Автор анализирует понимание ее в ходе гражданских и религиозных войн, а также методы обработки массового сознания в пропаганде эпохи.