Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

новая экономическая политика

«Инвалидные артели как часть промысловой кооперации Астраханской губернии в 1920-е годы»

В статье анализируется деятельность инвалидных артелей в 1920-е гг. на территории Астраханской губернии. На основе архивного материала, впервые вводимого в научный оборот, было выделено две инвалидные артели: «Инрыбак» и «Луч Кооперации». Особое внимание уделяется производственной и культурно-образовательной деятельности, финансовым показателям, кадровому составу, проведен их сравнительный анализ. Показаны причины достижений и неудач, сопровождающих артели на протяжении всего периода существования.

Soviet Administration and its Financial and Credit Policy Toward Privat Entrprises in 1921–1928 in the Center and Regions

The article analyses tax and credit system created by Soviet authorities during the new economic policy. Saratov Region represented as an example of the above mentioned policy in the regions outside Moscow.

Crime in Saratov during the New Economic Policy

Crime during the new economic policy as a social-legal phenomenon, tendencies of its development, quantitative and qualitative characteristics are analyzed in the article. It is shown that in the first half of the 1920s violent actions such as banditry and crime committed against the person dominated.

Sergey Savelyev’s Unfulfilled Revolution

The article is devoted to the analysis of S. I. Savelyev’s works in the context of evolution of Russian historiography of the collectivization. The author notices that Savelyev began his career as the consecutive supporter of ideas of historiographic revolution during 1980-1990s. However, subsequently he offered revision of these approaches and estimates. The author considers the evolution of the views of the historian as an example of changes of events in 1990-2000s in an agrarian historiography.