Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Преступность в Мюнстере в XVII в.

В статье на основе анализа сохранившихся материалов судебно-следственных дел рассматривается состояние преступности в Мюнстере XVII в. Автор анализирует структуру преступности в зависимости от степени распространенности деяний в судебной практике, а также исследует социально-профессиональный состав преступников.

The Saratov University During the First World War (1914– 1917)

In the article the life of the Saratov University during the First World War (before 1917) is examined. The changes in the activity of professorial and students’ corporations connected with the war’s tasks are analyzed. The special emphasis is made on indices of growth and development of this higher school.

Spain and the Spaniards through the eyes of the Extraordinary British Ambassador Samuel Hoare (1940–1944)

Based on the materials of the memoirs of the participants of the events and the business correspondence of the embassy with the British government, the image of the Spanish people in the representations of the British ambassador to Spain – Samuel Hoare, who held the post from 1940 to 1944, is considered. The Spanish Civil War of 1936–1939 led to a crisis in many spheres of society. The author comes to the conclusion that the conflict within the state has led to a deep cultural split in Spanish society.

Russia – Germany: an Attempt to a Strategic Partnership (1998–2005ss)

The article presents the dynamics of Russian-German cooperation between the late 1990s and the first half of the 2000s. It is established that the relationship between Russia and Germany have developed in cycles because they had passed the phase of rise and fall. The official interpretation of the bilateral relations as strategic partnership can not be considered successful in view of the conflicts generated by the contradictions in the national interests of Russia and Germany.

The Spanish mission of Samuel Hoare (1940–1944)

Based onthematerials ofthememoirs ofthe participants ofthe events andthe business correspondence ofthe embassy withthe British government, the activities of the British ambassador to Spain, Samuel Hoare, who held the post from 1940 to 1944, are considered. It is shown that the effectiveness of his actions grew not only in simultaneously with the success of the allies in the war, but also due to the strengthening of economic cooperation between the two countries.

Problems of Russia and Germany cooperation in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic

The article examines the development of a dialogue between Russia and Germany regarding the recognition of the Sputnik V vaccine, the opinions of German and European politicians on this issue. The author comes to the conclusion that the mutual recognition of vaccines between Russia and Germany as one of the main actors of the European Union could be both the beginning of an improvement in the situation with the spread of the virus, as well as bilateral relations and relations between Russia and the EU as a whole. 

Crises of the 1930s in the estimates of U.S. society

The article describes reaction of U.S. society to the crisis moments of international Affairs 1931–1939. U.S. media estimates analyzed the Germany's aggression in Europe and Japanese aggression in Asiа

The Iranian Factor of Anglo-Soviet Conciliation after Nazi Aggression against the Soviet Union (June – July, 1941)

The hypothesis is justified in the article thatidentity of positions on situation in Iran after Nazi aggression against USSR have predetermined rather rapid overcoming of mutual distrust between USSR and Great Britain and conclusion of an agreement on joint actions in the war against Germany.

The Iranian Plot. Re-reading I.M. Maisky heritage

In this article, I.M. Maisky’s involvement in the elaboration of a joint USSR and Great Britain position concerning Iran in the summer of 1941 is considered, based on his memoirs, diaries and correspondence. 

Начало несчастного дня шахривара: прием В. М. Молотовым иранского посла 25 августа 1941 года

В статье на основе документов из Архива внешней политики Российской Федерации рассматривается характер и содержание встречи народного комиссара по иностранным делам СССР В. М. Молотова с послом Ирана в Москве М. Саедом, состоявшейся 25 августа 1941 г., на которой Молотов проинформировал посла о вводе советских войск в Иран и вручил соответствующую ноту.
