Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Первая мировая война

Activities of Samuel Hoare in Russia 1916

The article examines the formation and activities of the British intelligence officer S. Hoare in Russia. His memories as a witness of the last days of the Russian Empire are very useful for researchers. Relations with representatives of the Russian liberal opposition allowed S. Hoare to gather important information about the Russian economy. The author concludes that Samuel Hoare significantly influenced Russia’s strengthening of the continental blockade.

The Supreme Commanders of the First World War Fronts: Cavalry General J.G. Zshilinsky

The First World War in the mass consciousness of the Russians is still forgotten. The Supreme commanders who did not bring glory to the Russian army in battles and the reasons of their invalidity as military leaders are unknown to the mass reader. The Supreme Commander of the North-West Front, Cavalry General J.G. Zshilinsky, is one of those people, who happened to become a hostage of the depraved system of promotion in the army, which had been formed in the Emperor’s Russia by the end of the 19-th century.

The Saratov University During the First World War (1914– 1917)

In the article the life of the Saratov University during the First World War (before 1917) is examined. The changes in the activity of professorial and students’ corporations connected with the war’s tasks are analyzed. The special emphasis is made on indices of growth and development of this higher school.

Erich von Falkenhayn: features of the biography

The article is devoted to basic stages of Erich von Falkenhayn’s (1861–1922) biography, who was the head of German armed forces in 1914–1916. Analyzing on the basis of different sources style of making decisions, his relations with competitors from the military elite, finally replaced him on a post of head of OHL, author dismisses some popular historiography’s myths, comes to conclusion about an injustice of in an estimation both most Falkenhayn, and strategy he preferred.

The Central Powers Citizens in the Saratov Region: the Reverses of the Year 1914

This article is devoted to the analyses of not numerous and very specific population group of the Saratov province – the citizens of the Central Powers, who stayed on the province’s territory without changing their citizenship. Special attention is paid to the reconstruction of those events, which occurred in their lives after the beginning of World War I. The chronology of administrative actions taken in respect of that population group is being reestablished.

The Progressive Block and the Russian Foreign Policy in August 1915 – February 1917

The position of the Progressive Block leaders in the most important questions of the Russian foreign policy in August 1915–February 1917 is examined. The author analyzes foreign policy priorities of the main political parties, the reasons of the conflict of the Duma opposition and autocracy, and carries out the research of the Russian parliament influence on the country’s foreign policy.

The Officer’s Staff of the Urals Cossak Troops During the First World War 1914–1918

The article focused on the research of the officer’s staff of the Ural Cossack’s infantry during the 1st World War. It is the first attempt to examine of some aspects of training of the officers in the Cossack military embodiment, their educational and professional growth. The reader could find some interesting facts of the losses, decorations and faith of some officers after the end of the First World War.

The Creation of the Image of the Enemy in Propaganda of the Countries of Entente at the beginning of the First World War (August–December 1914)

The article focuses on the comparative analysis of the image of the enemy in propaganda of the countries of Entente at the beginning of the First World War. On the basis of the wide range of primary sources the key elements of this image, certain stages in its development, its common and distinguishing features in each of the countries of Entente are examined.


The article analyses the maintenance of neutrality by Spain as well as its partners belonging to opposing sides. The article touches upon the issues of alterations in the economic situation and consequences of the facilitation of Spanish international trade in WWI. The author focuses on the development of the country's foreign policy and the cases when Spain infracted the neutrality during 1914-1918


The article is devoted to the research of main economy areas using Prisoners of War as labour force on the territory of Saratov province during the First World war. 4 segments are analysed and revealed to apply the labour of Prisoners of War. Special attention is paid to clarifying working conditions, rate of remuneration and types of job
