Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Печатный приказ

Voivode of Saratov stolnik Prince Ivan Mikhailovich Boryatinsky (1666–1668): Family and service

The article presents for the first time the biography of the Saratov voivode Prince Ivan Mikhailovich Boryatinsky, as well as brief information about his ancestors. Prince I. M. Boryatinsky began his service at the court of Tsar Mikhail Romanov in the late 1630s. As a tenant, and then a Moscow nobleman, he was the voivode of Dankov. Under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, he continued his service with the rank of stolnik, was a voivode in Vyazma, participated in the wars against Poland and Sweden, and suppressed the uprising of Stepan Razin.

Formation of a research base on the Saratov voivodes of 1590–1700

The article deals with the question of how the accumulation of information about the leaders of Saratov, who served here since the founding of the city and up to the beginning of the XVIII century. It is shown how this process is connected with the publication of various documentary sources during the XIX – early XX centuries, with the publication of genealogical collections and biographical dictionaries, as well as with the creation of the Saratov Academic Archival Commission. The names of the researchers who dealt with this issue are given.

The Governor of Saratov stolnik Danila Varfolomeevich Khitrovo (1659–1660)

The article for the first time presents the biography of the Saratov governor Danila Varfolomeevich Khitrovo, as well as brief information about his ancestors, the Bolkhov landowners. D. V. Khitrovo began his service at the court of Tsar Mikhail Romanov in the late 1630s. as a tenant. During the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, he continued to serve as a solicitor, and then as a steward. Particular attention is paid to the Saratov period in the life of D. V. Khitrovo.

Voivode of Saratov Ivan Ivanovich Kosagov (1660–1662)

The article presents for the first time the biography of the Saratov voivode Ivan Ivanovich Kosagov, the father of the famous General Grigory Kosagov. I. I. Kosagov began his service at the court of Tsar Mikhail Romanov in 1620 at the age of 17, and before that he served with the patriarch for several years, like many of his ancestors. Becoming a Moscow nobleman in 1631, he received his first appointmenttothe voivodeship in Yuriev-Polsky,thenmainly served onthe southern borders. It is said about his regimental service in Mtsensk, Lomov, Tula.

Governor of Saratov steward Nikita Ivanovich Golovin (1657–1659)

The article for the first time presents a detailed biography of the governor of Saratov Nikita Ivanovich Golovin. This serviceman in the homeland began his service at court in 1639 with the rank of steward. He received his first voivodship appointment in 1650, being appointed governor to Bryansk, and at the beginning of 1657 he was sent to Saratov as governor. Particular attention in the article is paidtothe Saratov service of N. I. Golovin.

Governor of Saratov Vasily Vasilyevich Neledinsky (1655–1657)

The article for the first time presents a detailed biography of the governor of Saratov, Vasily Vasilyevich Neledinsky. This serviceman from the fatherland in his youth became a tenant at the court of Mikhail Romanov, and after 20 years he was transferred to the Moscow nobles. He received his first voivodship appointment in the Ket prison in Siberia, then participated in the suppression ofthe uprising in Novgorod and Pskov, and served as governor in Rylsk.

Hereditary Servicemen in the Left-bank Saratov

The article deals with the unknown pages of the left-bank Saratov history (1616–1674). Special attention is paid to hereditary servicemen, their role in the life of the city. For the first time, the list of Saratov boyar sons, who served in this city in the third half of the XVII century, is given.

Recruited Servicemen (Streltsy, Cannoneers, Gatesmen) in the Left-bank Saratov

The article deals with the unknown pages of the left-bank Saratov (1616–1674). Special attention is paid to recruited servicemen (mainly streltsy) and their role in the city life. For the first time, the list of many those who served in the city during the third half of the XVII century and their main activities are presented.

Рыболовный промысел в левобережном Саратове в третьей четверти XVII века

В статье рассмотрены неизвестные страницы истории левобережного Саратова в 1650–1674 гг. Особое внимание уделено рыболовному промыслу, которым здесь занимались как местные жители, так и иногородние откупщики, а также Дворцовое ведомство и некоторые монастыри. Впервые представлен список откупщиков, в том числе саратовских служилых и посадских людей. Показано, какие новшества наблюдаются в данный период в
рыболовном промысле и торговле в окрестностях города.

Economic Situation in Left-Bank Saratov in the Third Quarter of the 17th Century: Agricultural Activity, Local Civilian Population

The article considers some unknown facts about left-bank Saratov in 1650–1674. Special attention is paid to the local population. A list of famous leaders of town community and minor officials is presented for the first time. A graduate development of town community, its increasing role for Saratov is shown.
