Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Evacuation of industry and civilian population to the territory of Kuzbass during the Great Patriotic War

The paper examines the process of evacuation of industrial facilities and civilian population to the territory of the Kemerovo region – Kuzbass during the Great Patriotic War. The author provides information on the number of evacuated enterprises, and also clarifies their locations before and after the relocation. The largest industrial facilities in Kuzbass are highlighted, which were created even before the start of the war and were industrial sites for the commissioning of equipment from arriving factories.

Leningrad in the structure of scientific and technical cooperation between the Soviet Union and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in 1976–1983

The article analyzes the role of Leningrad in the structure of scientific and technical cooperation between the USSR and SRV in 1976– 1983 on the basis of archival data. The author comes to a conclusion about high quality results of Leningrad institutions collaborating with SRV, successes of Leningrad leadership in cooperation with regions of Vietnam, involvement of most large industrial enterprises, leading higher educational institutions, design and research organizations of the city in scientific and technical cooperation between the USSR and SRV. 

Эвакуация промышленности и гражданского населения на территорию Кузбасса в годы Великой Отечественной войны

В работе рассматривается процесс эвакуации промышленных объектов и гражданского населения на территорию Кемеровской области – Кузбасса в годы Великой Отечественной войны. Автором приводится информация о количестве эвакуированных предприятий, а также уточняются места их размещения до и после перебазирования. Выделяются крупнейшие промышленные объекты Кузбасса, которые были созданы еще до начала войны и являлись промышленными площадками для введения в строй оборудования прибывших заводов.

Evacuation of the Industrial Enterprises to the Saratov Region and Socially-household Problems of Personnel (1941–1945)

Work covers the important economic and social processes in the history of the Saratov region of the period of the Great Patriotic War. Functioning and a role of the numerous evacuated enterprises, their place in system of the Saratov industry is considered. Complexities of an everyday life of workers, power activity under the decision of new problems of a wartime are analyzed. Growth of migratory activity of a considerable part of the population of area and its reason is marked.

Ленинград в структуре научно-технического сотрудничества СССР и СРВ (1976-1983 гг.)

В статье на основе архивных данных анализируется роль Ленинграда в структуре научно-технического сотрудничества СССР и СРВ в 1976-1983 гг. Автор приходит к выводу о высоком качестве результатов деятельности ленинградских учреждений, сотрудничавших с СРВ, успехах руководства Ленинграда в рамках взаимодействия с регионами Вьетнама, вовлеченности большинства крупных промышленных предприятий, ведущих высших образовательных учреждений, проектных и научно-исследовательских организаций города в научно-техническое сотрудничество между СССР и СРВ.


The article says about the socio-economic progress of the Ural Cossacks army at the beginning of XX century. The purpose of study is to analyze and designate some features that were typical for economics of the own Ural Cossacks’ economy.

Development Trends and Geography of Industry of Dagestan in the 1990s–2010s

Common features and peculiarities in different industries in the region during the crisis, changes in the territorial allocation and sectoral industries in Dagestan from the 1990s to 2010 are shown. As it is stressed in the article, despite serious unresolved problems the authorities of the republic (during the analyzed period) with active material and other support from the federal center, carried out purposeful work to overcome difficulties and unresolved problems in industries and ensure their sustainable development.

Educational Institutions of the System of Labor Reserves: Methods and Results of Solving Personnel Problems of the Soviet Industry in the Postwar Years

The article deals with the problem of functioning in the post war period of educational institutions of the system of labor reserves-schools of the Federal district, vocational and railway schools. The goals, methods and results of these institutions are outlined. There are marked deformities in the functioning of the system associated with the use of methods of coercion against mobilized, as well as unsatisfactory material and living conditions provided to students.

The main trends of socio-economic development of the newly formed uyezds in the Khoper River Region (Prikhoperye) in the late XVIII and the first third of the XIX centuries

The article examines the dynamics of the population and economic development of the region in the late XVIII and the first third of the XIX century. The author identifies the main trends that determined the direction of social and economic processes that took place during that period and determined the further development of the region.

Industrial potential of the Lower Volga region on the eve of the first five-year plan

 The article examines the state of industry in the Lower Volga region in the late 1920s on the eve of the first five-year plan. The author studies the branch structure of the economy, the process of dividing industry by structure and forms of subordination. The extreme limitation of material financial resources has become one of the main reasons not only for the consolidation of territorial entities, but also for the allocation of priority areas for industrial development.