Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Трансформация миграционной системы Австрии (2010–2015)

Австрия из-за своего географического положения неоднократно оказывалась на пути миграционных потоков. Из-за высокого уровня жизни Австрия была и остаётся желанной целью для беженцев и трудовых мигрантов. Власти Австрии вынуждены лавировать между международным правом, которое призывает оказать помощь нуждающимся, интересами работодателей, желающими снизить издержки за счёт дешёвой иностранной рабочей силы и настроением населения, которое сталкивается с культурными, языковыми барьерами при взаимодействии с мигрантами.

The Harvard’s «Russian Project»: from Triumph to Disgrace

The article is devoted to the study of the role and place of Harvard Institute for International Development in the Russian reforms during 1990s and peculiarities of the Institute’s functioning within Harvard University. Besides, the influence of the institute leading persons on the development of the American aid program to Russia and the circumstances of the institute’s liquidation are also studied.

«History of the Commonwealth of England» of William Godwin

The article deal with the intellectual legacy of the English philosopher, writer and historian William Godwin (1756–1836). His was typical way of English intellectual who had to live through the Enlightenment, the Revolution and Romanticism. The Godwin’s historical ideas are a little known to contemporary academic audience. «History of the Commonwealth of England» of W. Godwin was written in 1824–1828 in the period of the great political crisis. Then British historians look for the answer of the public problem in the past.

The Socio-Political Views of P.‑Sh. Leveque (Problem of Russian «Civilization»)

In the article deals with socio-political views of one of brightest representatives of the French Enlightenment era, the historian of Russia P.-Sh. Leveque. The great interest is the analysis of the views by Leveque on the most urgent problems of state and public arrangement of Russia of the XVIIIth century: the reign of Peter I and Catherine II. In considering the topic judgments of the French historian with the ideals of the one of the leading philosophers of the Enlightenment era, D. Diderot were compared.

On Establishment of the Russian Censorship in the First Quarter of 18th century

The article examines the process of press censorship establishment in the environment of reforms that encompassed all spheres of life of the society in the first quarter of 18th century.

Jeffrey Sachs and American Aid to Post-Soviet Russia: the Case of «Different Anatomy»

The article is devoted to the study of the role played by wellknown economist Jaffrey Sachs in the process of realization of the Russian reforms that was carried out under control of the American administration during the nineties (XX c.). Besides, Sachs’ economic views and his interpretation of the Russian reforms failure are also analyzed.

The Agrarian Legislative Government of Alexander III and the Russian Peasantry

The main object of the article is the socio-economic situation in Russia in the end of 19th century. The measures of the central and local administration, applied in the Russian village, have been analyzed within this research. The author resumes that the reforms of the authorities had made the position of the peasantry more complicated.

Governmental and Community Initiatives in Question of Regulation of Russian Censorship at the Beginning of the XIX Century

The article considers the initiatives of the Russian Emperor Alexander I and his Unofficial Committee in question of Censorship Reform. The article gives an account of the the community influence in question organization of the Censorial Statute of 1804. 

The life Quality of Penza Region People in the Beginning of XX Century (by the Evidences of the Local Press)

The article represents the scientific analysis of the newspapers articles, published in the beginning of 20th centuries. The results of the analysis prove the idea that no radical social changes took place in Russian and the main development paradigms development have not yet been changed for more then 100 years. The absence of changes produces the atmosphere of pessimism in society irrespective of the sources of information.

Reforming of the country's agricultural sector at the end of XX century

The article analyzes the process of reforming of the country's agriculture at the end of XX century on the basis of regulatory documents, statistics and periodicals. We study the order of the reorganization of collective and state farms, creation of conditions for the formation of peasant (farmer), joint stock companies, co-operative farms.. The conclusion is that the agrarian policy of the state is not drawn on the experience of doing the farm. The reforms were not prepared and carried out in a short time by incompetent people.
