Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


The place of Samuel Johnson in the spiritual life of British society in the second half of the 18th century

The review is devoted to the analysis of the monograph, which examines the place and role of the educator S. Johnson in the spiritual life of British society in the second half of the 18th century. The reviewer shows that the author of the monograph was able to convincingly prove that the intellectual heritage of the compiler of the “Dictionary of the English Language”, a moralist and literary critic, most fully reflected the trend towards self-identification that dominated contemporary English culture.

Английские просветители о проблемах роста преступности в период коммерциализации общества

Рецензия посвящена анализу монографии, рассматривающей отклики английских философов, писателей, юристов, общественных деятелей на распространение преступности в английском обществе XVIII в. Внимание рецензента сосредоточено на авторской характеристике подходов современников к решению обозначенной проблемы в течение столетия.

English Rationalist Philosophers about the Phenomenon of Miracle

The review deals with the analysis of the monograph devoted to the influence of Christian understanding of the phenomenon of miracle on the views of English seventeenth-century philosophers Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. The reviewer’s attention is focused on the way the author of the monograph describes the spiritual atmosphere in which the world view of these thinkers developed, as well as on the historiographical interpretations of their theories.