Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Саратовский университет

Study of German History in the Middle Age in the Saratov University

The author of this article study a teaching of middle ages history in the Saratov University. This article consider a merit of saratov's historians in the investigation of German history in the middle age. The author use in his work a publish material and his personal remembrances, because he was in contact with everybody of historians-germanists in Saratov University.

Window to the workshop of the Medieval historian (To the 110th Anniversary of the birth of S. M. Stam)

The article examines the features of the creative method of the prominent Russian and Soviet historian-medievalist, Honored Professor of Saratov State University S. M. Stam(1913–2010). The most important source is the memoirs of the scientist, in which great attention is paid to the issues of scientific search. The author shows that the main secret of the high quality of S. M. Stam’s scientific heritage consists in a combination of bold methodological searches and a carefully verified and repeatedly rethought analysis of sources.

M. E. Belyaeva: The main milestones of life and scientific and pedagogical activity

The article examines the life path and the main results of the scientific and pedagogical activity of the Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate professor of the Department of History of the Middle Ages of Saratov State University M. E. Belyaeva (1942–2017). The materials of the historian’s personal file stored in the university archive are involved. 

Alexei Sergeyevich Bartenev: The Becoming a Medievalist in the development context of the Soviet Dissertation Culture

In this article the formation of A. S. Bartenev as a medieval scholar is considered against a broad background of institutional changes and reform of the system of higher education and postgraduate studies in the USSR in the second half of the 1920s – first half of the 1930s. The development of the system of academic training in the field of medieval studies took place under the direct influence of the scholars of the “old” school, who sought to adapt the traditional requirements for qualifying essays to the new conditions.

From the History of Higher Female Education in the Russian Empire in the Second Half of 19th – the Beginning of 20th Century (in Kazan Educational District)

In the article the author considers the history of higher female education coming-to-be in the Russian Empire, basing on the example of higher educational institutions, established in Saratov in 1909–1915. The professional status evolution of the women who got higher education in the second half of 19th-the beginning of 20th centuries is presented in the historic retrospect: from the first doctors of Saratov guberniya to the first scientific staff of Saratov university.

PROFESSOR FRANZ BALLOD (To the 95th anniversary of Saratov University first archaeological expedition)

The paper deals with scientific, pedagogical and museum activities of F.V. Ballod who was a professor at Saratov State University for nearly five years (1918–1923). The paper is dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the first archaeological expedition organized and accomplished by  Saratov State University in June 1919 at the Uvek settlement. The expedition was led by professor Ballod.

Saratov University and Kondakov Institute in Prague: towards the History of Relationships (1928–1936)

In this article, the scientific relations of N. P. Kondakov’s Seminar (Archaeological Institute) in Prague with Saratov University and its structural subdivisions in the 1928–1936 are reconstructed on the basis of new archival documents. It is shown that in the interwar period Saratov University was drawn into the cultural orbit of the Russian Diaspora. Saratov scientists were involved in international intellectual contacts, which had different forms, and were expressed in book exchange, reviewing and quoting.

Историк и его время (жизнь и судьба В. А. Ермолаева)

В публикации рассматриваются основные вехи жизненного и творческого пути видного исследователя истории германской Реформации В. А. Ермолаева. Обосновывается вывод о том, что незаурядность его научного наследия была во многом предопределена богатством жизненного опыта и твердостью внутренних убеждений.