Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Вишеградская идея

В статье исследуется идеологическая база Вишеградской группы и её исторические корни. Особое внимание обращается на то, что идеология играет важную роль в сплочении группы и обеспечении её единства, что в свою очередь позволяет ей оказывать влияние на мировую политику. В статье анализируются общие цели стран V4, объединившихся после периода социализма, и ощущающих историческую необходимость создания и развития этой организации.

The Lisbon Strategy of 2000 Implementation and the Formation of a Unified Model of the European Union’s Social Policy

The European Union’s social policy is the subject of a large number of studies; it is an important area of domestic policy for each EU member state and their citizens. The formation of the EU general social policy passed certain stages in its historical development. The purpose of this study is to identify the problems that arise in the formation of the EU unified social policy in the context of its development.

«Eastern agreement» of Ismail Gasprinsky: The formation of an early Eurasian concept (1880–1890s)

The article is devoted to the formation of the Eurasian intellectual tendency in Russia – based on the material of the Turkic social thought. The views of the Turkic-Muslim leader Ismail Gasprinsky are reconstructed. His ideas about the rapprochement between Russia and Turkey, about a potential «Eastern agreement» with the participation of Russia, Turkey, Persia and the Balkan states are shown. It is concluded that the idea of an «Eastern agreement» is (in terms of content and meaning) an early Eurasian/pro-Eurasian concept.