Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


The Saratov University During the First World War (1914– 1917)

In the article the life of the Saratov University during the First World War (before 1917) is examined. The changes in the activity of professorial and students’ corporations connected with the war’s tasks are analyzed. The special emphasis is made on indices of growth and development of this higher school.

“Historian by inclination” and “Zoshchenko in philosophy”: The scandalous career of the writer H. G. Ajemyan

In the 1940s and 1950s, the writer H. G. Ajemyan actively participated in a number of important scientific discussions on history and philosophy: a meeting of historians in 1944, a discussion about the movement of Caucasian mountaineers, a philosophical discussion in 1947, a discussion of a report on the nature of nations in 1957, at which he was the main “troublemaker”.

Place and Role of Collective Farms in Agricultural Production Years 1950–2000 (A Brief Historiographical Analysis)

The article contains a historiographical analysis of the role of collective farming in agriculture 1950–2000 years. Relying on the works of local historians, using a wide of source material, the author seeks to highlight the ambiguity and contradictions of collective farming of the period.

Features of Collective Farming, 1950–1960

The article covers the period 1950–1960. how the transition of agriculture to intensive development. Drawing on the work of local historians, using a wide of source material, the author seeks to highlight the ambiguity and contradictions of state policy in the collective-farm production.

What is «Legal Populism»?

In this article the author investigates and analyses the content of the notion «legal populism». He makes personal stuff of legal populist precise. A new typology of legal populist thought is proposed. Different points of view of scientists on the theme are analyzed.


One of the outstanding statemen and public figures of the Russia of the 40s – 60s of the 19th century was Avraam Sergeyevich Norov.He devoted his life to serving Russia which he loved sincerely and unselfishly. In 1812 A. S. Norov, a young boy of 17, defended his Motherland from the enemy. In 1854–1858 holding the post of the Minister of People`s Education he contributed with all his efforts to the development of education in the country. A. S. Norov made a significant contribution to the formation and development of native Oriental Studies.

Why and how I became the historian?

Memories of Professor Anatoliy Avrus are devoted his way in historical science. He tells how he became interested in history and why did he join the history department of Saratov State University. He shares his own experience of choosing topics for research, writing dissertations and working in archives. The author gives some advice to young researchers who start their way in historical science

Археология в Саратовском университете и Нижне-Волжском институте краеведения на переломе эпох (1920–1930-е годы)

По решению Временного правительства в Саратовском университете образуется историко-филологический факультет. Открывается отделение истории искусств и археологии. Функционировало Общество истории, археологии и этнографии, преобразованное в Нижневолжское общество краеведения. Был создан Археологический научно-исследовательский институт, реорганизованный в Нижне-Волжский институт краеведения. Он сыграл важную роль в археологическом изучении Юго-Востока нашей страны. Постоянно существовала кафедра, где преподавалась археология.

Экономический эффект реорганизации речного транспорта на Волге в 1934–1936 годы

В статье анализируется положение речного флота СССР в период его реорганизации в середине 1930-х гг. Показаны результаты проводимых мероприятий на примере деятельности Верхневолжского, Средневолжского и Нижневолжского водного транспорта на данном этапе. Сделан вывод об исключительной важности речной инфраструктуры Волги в транспортной системе народного хозяйства страны. Волжский флот выполнял более трети всех речных перевозок в СССР, однако из-за недостаточных капиталовложений испытывал постоянные трудности.

On the Possibility and Prospects of Deciphering Monograms on the Anonymous Obols of the Bosporus Coinage

It is not for the first century that the study of numismatics of ancient Bosporus is continued. The result has been the description of many kinds of coins of this coinage. In their classification, scientists paid attention to both the image and the legend, including those ciphered in monograms. The subject of this study was the ligatures from anonymous obols of Bosporus coinage. The fact is that neither they nor their similarities have been deciphered yet. However, in these notations, the names Padr and Itro were recognized.
