Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Саратовская область

Using the resources of the Saratov region for the recruitment of the Army and Navy during the Great Patriotic War

The article presents a general picture of the involvement of human contingents from the Saratov region to recruit the Armed Forces of the USSR on the eve and during the Great Patriotic War. The article highlights in detail the conduct of three waves of the so-called general mobilization of the military in 1941, subsequent party-komsomol and other special mobilizations, as well as the regular conscription of recruits in 1942–1945. The role of the training of military-trained reserves through Vsevobuch, the people’s militia and defense organizations is shown.

Construction of defensive fortifications on the territory of the Saratov region during the Great Patriotic War

In the article the author addresses one of the little-studied issues of the history of the Great Patriotic War in regional historiography. The construction of defensive lines on the territory of the Saratov region, which was located for a long time in the near rear of the Soviet-German front, was carried out for a year and a half, took on a large spatial scale and required large-scale expenditures of human and material resources. From the autumn of 1941 until March 1943, six field-type defense lines with a total length of over 600 kilometers were built in the region.

Saratov village during the Great Patriotic War: The mobilization policy of the state and the practice of survival

The article examines the state of agriculture and the financial situation of rural residents of the Saratov region during the Great Patriotic War from the point of view of the mobilization model of the Soviet economy. The specific indicators and ways of implementing the state policy in the region to maximize the mobilization of human, logistical, food and financial resources of the village in the interests of the army, the impact of this factor on the livelihoods of the population are analyzed.

The story of one evacuation: orphanage №1 for Spanish kids in the village Kukkus

The article is based on the unknown documents and memoirs considers the evacuation of the orphanage № 1 for Spanish kids to the village Kukkus (now – Village Privolgskoe of Rovensky district of  Saratov region). The author is analyzing  the work of the administration of the orphanage. The article examines the difficulties  that the kids  and the staff faced at the new place during the war. The article mostly focuses on the problem what was done to improve living conditions of the kids. 

Incomes and Consumption of Saratov Region Population during World War II (1941–1945)

The article describes the factors that influenced the level of life and material position of Saratov region urban and rural population in the military conditions of 1941-1945. The problems of receiving incomes from different sources, taxation, the system of state and individual food and primary necessities supply are considered.


В статье на примере Саратовской области рассматривается важная составляющая социальной политики Советского государства в годы Великой Отечественной войны – оказание адресной поддержки слабо защищенным слоям населения. Анализируются характер и масштабы мер материальной помощи семьям военнослужащих, инвалидам войны, матерям и детям, людям, пострадавшим от авиационных бомбардировок. Показывается, что патерналистская социальная политика государства сочеталась с общественной взаимопомощью.


В статье рассматривается развитие системы вневойсковой подготовки резервов Красной армии в период Великой Отечественной войны, включавшую в себя военное обучение в организациях оборонных обществ, в структурах всевобуча и формированиях местной самообороны. Показан вклад Саратовской области в дело обеспечения фронта людскими ресурсами, обученными военному делу. 

Этносы, культуры и религии северных районов Нижнего Поволжья в золотоордынский период (по материалам Саратовской области)

На основании письменных и археологических источников в обобщающей статье исследуются вопросы расселения различных этнических групп, распространения религий и культурных явлений в северных районах Золотой Орды. Специально рассматриваются процессы этнического и культурного взаимодействия между народами на территории улуса Укек, а также в других северных степных улусах. Особое внимание уделяется важнейшим археологическим памятникам золотоордынского периода: крупным поселениям, грунтовым могильниками и курганным погребениям на территории Саратовской области.

Mobilization of the Public Financial Resources During the Great Patriotic War: the Practice of the Saratov Region

The article substantiates the necessity and possibility of wide attraction of money of the population during the Great Patriotic War, due to which the revenue part of the state budget and inflation control were largely provided. The regional practice of implementation in 1941–1945 of tax policy of the state, mobilization of means of workers through acquisition of bonds of loans, monetary and ware lotteries, placement of deposits in savings banks, and also mass national movement on creation of Fund of defense is analyzed.

The Relationship Between the Soviet State and the Russian Orthodox Church in the Initial Period of the Great Patriotic War (on the Materials of the Saratov Volga Region)

The article reveals the relationship between the Soviet state and the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) in the initial period of World War II on the territory of the Saratov Volga region. The author explores the rapid change in state policy towards the Russian Orthodox Church: from openly hostile to benevolent by the end of 1942. On the analysis of concrete facts, the author identifies the most important reasons for such a transformation. Among them, the author also highlights the mass opening of churches in the occupied territory.
