Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Проблемы формирования бюджета Кузбасса в годы Великой Отечественной войны (1941–1945)

В статье анализируется специфика функционирования финансовой системы Кузбасса в годы Великой Отечественной войны. На основе архивных данных рассматриваются условия планирования бюджета региона первоначально в границах Новосибирской, а после 26 января 1943 года – в границах новообразованной Кемеровской области. Анализируются статьи расходов и доходов бюджета Кузбасса, выявляются проблемы, с которыми столкнулись областной исполнительный комитет и областной финансовый отдел при реализации бюджетной политики в период боевых действий.

Incomes and Consumption of the Population of the Lower Volga in the Second Half of the 1960s – the mid-1980s

The article analyzes the dynamics of income and consumption of the population of the Lower Volga region during the pre-perestroika twenty years. Based on a wide range of evidence sources, we reveal the impact of the economic and foreign policy factors on the living standards in the region in 1965–1985. In conclusion, an assessment for the development level of the Soviet society in the mid-1980s is given.

Status and Functions of the Mayor of Nakhichevan-on-Don According to the Materials of the Audit By Senator M. N. Zhemchuzhnikov

The report of Senator Zhemchuzhnikov on the results of the audit of the Nakhichevan district in 1844 contains significant materials on the organization and activities of the self-government bodies of the Armenian colony in the Lower Don Region, formed in 1779 by Armenian immigrants from the Crimea. The duties of the mayor were not determined either by law or public sentence, and therefore the limits of his power depended on personal qualities and on the respect that he commanded in the district.

Financial policy of Saratov zemstvo: Expenditure and budgetary deficit

The article presents the characteristics of the most important part of the financial policy of the zemstvo self-government bodies in Saratov province - administration of the expenditure budget. Particular attention is paid to the types of expenses aimed at fulfilling the compulsory and optional duties of the zemstvo. An important place in the publication is occupied by the problem of budget deficit and credit policy of zemstvo institutions in 1866-1917.