Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Агонизирующее Нижнее Поволжье: к вопросу истории холерных эпидемий в России в 1820 – 1830-ые годы

Статья посвящена истории холерных эпидемий в Российской империи в 20-30-ые годы XIX столетия с акцентом на события в Нижнем Поволжье в 1830-1831 гг. Работая с уникальными архивными материалами, авторы сделали попытку восстановить хронологию тех тревожных событий от появления нулевого пациента в 1830 году в предместьях Астрахани до разрастания эпидемии за пределы Астраханской губернии в Нижнем Поволжье, стараясь найти ответ на вопрос, почему вторая эпидемия холеры, начавшаяся снова на Волге, приобрела такой масштаб в столь короткий срок.

The Saratov University During the First World War (1914– 1917)

In the article the life of the Saratov University during the First World War (before 1917) is examined. The changes in the activity of professorial and students’ corporations connected with the war’s tasks are analyzed. The special emphasis is made on indices of growth and development of this higher school.

Quartering in the Volga Region in the end of XVIII Century. Rostov Mounted Regiment in Saratov Region (1792–1794)

The problem of of militaries in Russian provinces. is not widely examined in historical works. The article deals with the problem of temporary living of Rostov dire guards in the Saratov region in 1792 – 1794. This article is basis on the Russian state military historical archives of the Saratov region. The evidences of the contemporaries and witnesses play important rule. There is a lot of unknown biographical information about officers of the Rostov dire guards.

Economic relations between Saratov and Ufa at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries (forest bargaining)

The article shows one of the main directions in economic contacts between Saratov and Ufa – timber trade in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries. The main source was the reporting of the Ufa branch of the Volga-Kama Commercial Bank, one of the largest private banks of the Russian Empire, whose branches opened in Saratov in 1871, and in Ufa in 1873. The main feature of the Ufa forest trade in Saratov was the use of promissory notes due to the need to quickly sell goods before the end of navigation.

Personalities of the Time of Troubles: Feodor Timofeevich Chernovo-Obolensky

In the center of attention of the article is the life of one of the little-known figures of the Time of Troubles, who was in the center of events, related to the formation of the Novgorod-Swedish political union, and the negotiations in Yaroslavl between the leaders of the Nizhny Novgorod’s militia and Novgorod’s citizens. The author considers the following life of this person in detail, his joining the government of Michael Romanov, his post of voevoda of Saratov, taking part in the construction of a new fortress in Astrakhan.

A man and his time: The sovereign stolnik Mikhail Fedorovich Oznobishin

The article is devoted to the biography of one of the ordinary serving people of the XVII century Mikhail Fedorovich Oznobishin. The life path of the courtier is considered through the prism of his personal perception of such a moral concept as generic “honor”, which is reflected in the family pedigree compiled by Oznobishin in 1686. For the first time, information is given about some stages of his official career, as well as about the previously unknown voivode of Saratov, who became Oznobishin’s successor at the voivodeship.

Governor of Saratov Vasily Vasilyevich Neledinsky (1655–1657)

The article for the first time presents a detailed biography of the governor of Saratov, Vasily Vasilyevich Neledinsky. This serviceman from the fatherland in his youth became a tenant at the court of Mikhail Romanov, and after 20 years he was transferred to the Moscow nobles. He received his first voivodship appointment in the Ket prison in Siberia, then participated in the suppression ofthe uprising in Novgorod and Pskov, and served as governor in Rylsk.

Tenement Houses in Saratov

The article considers merchant tenement houses genesis in Saratov. The paper analyses the architecture of objects in question. One deals with three directions replacing each other successively: classicism, eclecticism (historicism), and modern. Apart from the history and the development of tenement houses that are worth paying attention to, interest to such buildings is also explained by resuming of such civil engineering today.

Saratov voevoda Vladimir Annichkov (1607–1608)

This article is devoted to the life of one of the little-known figures of the time of the Trouble who was in the center of events in the middle and low regions of the Volga. The author regards the following destiny of this person, his turn to the side of Michael Romanov’s government, his occupation as a voevoda of Ufa and taking part in the defense of Moskow during the Polish attack in 1618.

The Voivode of Saratov Grigory Ivanovich Feofilatyev (1634–1637)

In article unknown pages of history of the left bank of Saratov are considered. They are associated with staying in the city voivode Grigory Ivanovich Feofilatev. For the first time detailed biography of this figure of the Time of Troubles is presented. He participated in the revolt of Bolotnikov, and then has come over to the side of Lzhedmitrij II. The author traces future destiny of this man, who in the reign of Michael Romanov was a voivode in Alatyr, Kasimov, Surgut, and ambassador to Persia.
