Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Pioneer literature of the 1920s as an educational practice of the soviet Government

The article analyzes the literature of the pioneer organization in order to display the basic principles of the state educational policy for children in the 1920s. The main types of pioneer literature of the 1920s are considered: organizational documentation, in particular, the Charter of the pioneer organization, periodicals, fiction, pioneer folklore(chants, songs, etc.).

Вишеградская идея

В статье исследуется идеологическая база Вишеградской группы и её исторические корни. Особое внимание обращается на то, что идеология играет важную роль в сплочении группы и обеспечении её единства, что в свою очередь позволяет ей оказывать влияние на мировую политику. В статье анализируются общие цели стран V4, объединившихся после периода социализма, и ощущающих историческую необходимость создания и развития этой организации.

Пионерская литература 1920-х гг. как воспитательная практика Советской власти

В статье даётся анализ литературы пионерской организации с целью отображения основных принципов государственной воспитательной политики в отношении детей в 1920-е гг. Рассматриваются основные виды пионерской литературы 1920-х гг.: организационная документация, в частности, Устав пионерской организации, периодическая печать, художественная литература, пионерский фольклор (речёвки, песни и т.д.).

A. F. Labzin’s Conceptualization of a Man: Ethical Aspect

The author of the article focuses on a personality and world view of A. F. Labzin, the Moscow University graduate, Novikovsky coterie’s disciple, Masonic Lodge founder and vice-president of Imperial Art Academy. Some peculiarities of spiritual life of Russian intellectuals in the first fourth of XIX century are revealed based on analysis of his ethical views (using Zion Bulletin periodical)

Пионерская литература 1920-х гг. как воспитательная практика Советской власти

В статье предпринята попытка анализа литературы пионерской организации с целью отображения основных принципов государственной воспитательной политики в отношении детей в 1920-е гг., в том числе и на региональном уровне. Рассмотрены основные виды пионерской литературы 1920-х гг.: Устав пионерской организации, периодическая печать, стихотворные формы, сказки и т.д. Исследована специфика литературных текстов пионерской организации, а также обозначены их основные смысловые составляющие.

Magazine «Zion Bulletin» – Reflection of A. F. Labzin ideas

In the center of attention of the article author is the magazine “Zion Bulletin” that was issued in 1806–1817 by disciple of Novicov’s coterie, the founder of freemason’s lodge and the vice-president of the Imperial Academy of Arts A. F. Labzin. Multivariate analysis of the magazine articles allows to produce it’s religious-philosophical concept and to discover some peculiarities of world outlook of an Alexandrovsky time person.

The Ideology of Neo-populist Parties: Disagreements in Policy and Tactics between Socialist-Revolutionaries and National Socialists

In this article we study disagreements in policy and tactics that arose between the parties of Socialist-Revolutionaries and National socialists. These disagreements involved the development problems of agrarian sector, some differences in understanding of social and political structure of Russian society and the attitude to political terror. The major conclusion of the article is the following: disagreements in policy and tactics of neo-populists prevented them from formulating common ideology.

What is «Legal Populism»?

In this article the author investigates and analyses the content of the notion «legal populism». He makes personal stuff of legal populist precise. A new typology of legal populist thought is proposed. Different points of view of scientists on the theme are analyzed.

“European Ideological Path has been Passed over…” (Eurasian Stance of Nickolay Trubetskoy

The article considers public and political stance of one of the respected thought leaders within the Russian “first wave” emigration, a front man of the Eurasian community, duke Nickolay Sergeevich Trubetskoy. His attitude to the key issues of state-building formed under the influence of radical societal transformation in Russia has been analyzed on the basis of different sources.

Phenomenon of Bolshevism as it is Perceived by Russian Emigration

The author considers the emigrant experience of understanding the Soviet regime that was born under the influence of Russian empire collapse and radical political transformations in 1917. Based on different sources, dynamic of Russian natives’ public moods throughout 1920 (the one that was affected by European life, inter-emigrant political struggle and Bolshevistic state-building) is analyzed.
