Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


The American political class and the international agenda: Common and special in the context of the 2024 elections

The article is devoted to the study of the views of politicians within the Democratic and Republican parties in the United States on the basic problems of American foreign policy. The main focus is on a comparative analysis of such problems as the current state and future of the globalization, US trade and industrial policy, boundaries of using the military force, strategy of “pivot to Asia”, relations with allies, climate change.

The U. S. Sanctions Policy towards the DPRK (1948–2020)

The article examines the evolution of the sanctions policy of the United States against North Korea. It is noted that this policy has gone through several stages over the past seventy years. The article analyzes the reasons for the restrictions, as well as the results achieved by the White House administration. The periodization of the US sanctions policy towards the DPRK is given.

Eastern Mediterranean and the Syrian issue in the foreign policy priorities of Russia and the United States

Russian and foreign specialists continue to maintain their research interest in the Eastern Mediterranean, both in view of the energy potential of the region as well as unresolved security issues. This article considers the role of global powers – Russia and the United States – in the Eastern Mediterranean from the point of view of the theory of the regional security complex. An attempt was made to determine the interests and priorities of Moscow and Washington on the basis of an analysis of the doctrinal approaches of both states in the identified subcomplex.

The American vector of Russia’s foreign policy in the period of Boris Yeltsin’s first presidency

The article considers Russia’s foreign policy towards the United States in 1991–1996. The desire of the Russian leadership to achieve the level of strategic partnership with the United States is shown in the conditions of the formation of a new Russian statehood and the weakening of the country’s international positions. The conclusion ismade about the collapse of Moscow’s unjustified hopes and illusions for equal cooperation with Washington.

Global warming: Russia’s approaches and the West’s reaction

The article is devoted to the study of the evolution of the national climate policy from the moment of its emergence in the USSR in the 1960s and 1970s until the end of the active phase of cooperation between Moscow and Western countries in this area at the end of 2021. The main stages of climate policy,factors of evolution and impact onthe Russian economy are considered. It is concludedthatthe cooperation ofthe Russian Federation with Western countries on the issue of global warming was built on a solid foundation, which can become the basis for future dialogue.

Восточное Средиземноморье и сирийский вопрос во внешнеполитических приоритетах России и США

Аннотация: Исследовательский интерес к Восточному Средиземноморью сохраняется у российских и зарубежных специалистов как ввиду энергетического потенциала региона, так и нерешенных вопросов безопасности. В данной статье рассматривается роль глобальных держав – России и США – в районе Восточного Средиземноморья с точки зрения теории комплекса региональной безопасности. Предпринята попытка определить интересы и приоритеты Москвы и Вашингтона на базе анализа доктринальных установок обоих государств в выделяемом субкомплексе.


В статье рассмотрен внешнеполитический курс России в отношении США в 1991–1996 гг. Показано стремление руководства России достичь уровня стратегического партнерства с Соединенными Штатами в условиях становления новой российской государственности и ослабления международных позиций страны. Сделан вывод о крахе неоправданных надежд и иллюзий Москвы на равноправное сотрудничество с Вашингтоном.

Palestinian front of the Islamic revolution

In the article analyzes the «Palestinian» track in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It’s studying initiatives of Teheran in resolving of «the Palestinian conflict» and reaction to them from the Arabian world. Also consider the transformation of foreign policy structures of the region in the Middle East caused by a policy of Israel and the USA in the Palestinian territories after operation «Cast lead» in 2009 year.

The «Trouble Spot» of the Andean Region: Colombia and Venezuela at the Beginning of the XXI-st Century

The article considers the reasons of modern Colombia-Venezuela tension. The special attention of the author is focused on the position and the role of the United States in the development of the conflict situation


SCO actions in Central Asia (CA) are often become criticized by NATO and its loyal states. The key reasons for that are named to be the military trainings run by SCO and its close ties with Iran as it is a non-official member there or one of the SCO’s observers. The article offers various opinions both amiable and critical with regard to SCO expressed by the world community. The next part of the article describes the US policy for basing its troops in the region and a general situation regarding Pentagon’s military bases located in the CA and Pakistan.
