Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Islam in the State Religions Policy of the Russian Empire in the North Caucasus in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century

The author of the article analyses the problems of the effective state policy regarding the different religions confessions. The fortunes of the Russian Empire depended on the solution of the problem of interrelations between the state and the different confessions because Russia was the most multi – confessional country of that period (time). The state authority had to take into account the specific character of the situation formed in such region as the North Caucasus.

Religious life in the Saratov Volga region in the 1930s.

The paper investigates the multi-faith religious life of the population of the Saratov region in the 1930s. Anti-church policy of the state has carried out since 1917, but in the early 1930s. sharply intensified, accompanied by mass lawlessness and repression. Defeating the church to the middle of the 1930s., The Bolshevik government was not able to destroy the religious life, which lasted semi-legally and illegally, in spite of persecution and repression.

Государственно-церковные отношения в Саратовском Поволжье в середине 1920-х годов

В статье автор на материалах Саратовского Поволжья рассматривает политику Советского государства в отношении церкви и религиозных организаций в 1920-е гг. Существенно изменившийся статус церкви регулировался новыми нормативно-правовыми актами советской власти. Большое внимание уделялось антирелигиозной пропаганде, которая была призвана вытеснить из сознания верующих религиозные предрассудки.

Anti-religious Campaign in the Saratov Volga Region: on the Example of the Fight Against Orthodoxy (the End of the 1920s – the Beginning of the 1940s)

The author of the article, based on archival materials, examines the anti-religious campaign against the Russian Orthodox Church and the Orthodox on the territory of the Saratov Volga region in the late 1920s – early 1940s. The anti-religious campaign was carried out in the form of repressions against worshipers and believers, the seizure of temples and houses of worship, anti-religious agitation and propaganda, and other anti-religious events.

Confessional diversity of the Saratov Volga region of the 1930s

Based on the population census and archival materials, the article examines the confessional diversity of the Saratov Volga region in the late 1920s – early 1940s. Orthodoxy prevailed in this territory, however, a characteristic feature of regional life has always been polyconfessionalism, due to historical and geopolitical factors. In the article, the author characterizes the confessional space of the Saratov Volga region and gives a quantitative ratio of various confessions.

Features of the existence of the Orthodox Church in China in the first half of the 1950s according to documents of State Archive of the Russian Federation

The article describes the peculiarities of the existence of the Orthodox Church in China during a difficult period, when the main carriers of the Orthodox faith – emigrants, immigrants from the territory of the former Russian Empire left the country. The research was based on archival sources, as well as some available publications. The author shows that in the early 1950s Orthodoxy in China began to decline. The idea of creating an independent Chinese Orthodox Church, which will be implemented in the future, also dates back to this time.

“Godless hard times”: On the issue of the anti-church policy of the Soviet state (1917–1920) (scenario of Dagestan)

The article shows the relationship between the state and the Orthodox Church during the 1917 revolution and the civil war. The reasons for the transformation of politics in relation to the most influential confessional structure are analyzed. One of the vectors of policy towards the Orthodox Church was a large-scale and uncompromising struggle within the framework of atheistic propaganda and agitation. The geographical area chosen is the national subject of the Russian state, Dagestan as a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional region.