Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Развитие протестантизма в постсоветской Средней Азии на примере Казахстана

В 1940-е гг. в Казахстан было переселено значительное число этнических немцев, в отрыве от религиозной инфраструктуры лютеранство получило ограниченное распространение. В 1990-е гг. Казахстане работали миссионеры многочисленных западных и южнокорейских церквей, наиболее активными были церкви харизматического направления пятидесятничества, их консолидация произошла в 2010-е гг. вследствие изменений религиозного законодательства.

Religious practicesof the clergyin the discourseof theimplementationof anti-religious policyin themid-1920s (basedon thematerials of the Samara Province)

This article is motivated to study the process of constructing Soviet society and reconstructing the everyday practices of representatives of religious organizations of the Samara province, who used various ways to counteract the implementation of anti-religious policy pursued by the authorities. The results of the study illustrate various practices used by representatives of various faiths against the anti-religious policy of the Soviet government in order to stop the process of destruction of the religious worldview of the population and consolidate their supporters.

Authority and moral state of society in post-war period (1946-1953): regional aspect

The article gives the analysis of moral state of society, increased self-consciousness of the  nation-winner, ideological campaigns and relations between the state and the church in the region, commitment of the party and public administration to former methods of government on the basis of archive documents and local periodicals.

Государственно-церковные отношения в Саратовском Поволжье в середине 1920-х годов

В статье автор на материалах Саратовского Поволжья рассматривает политику Советского государства в отношении церкви и религиозных организаций в 1920-е гг. Существенно изменившийся статус церкви регулировался новыми нормативно-правовыми актами советской власти. Большое внимание уделялось антирелигиозной пропаганде, которая была призвана вытеснить из сознания верующих религиозные предрассудки.

The Activity of Authorized Council of the Russian Orthodox Church affairs in the Multicultural National Region: Characteristics and Problems (Dagestan ASSR as an Example)

In the present article, the author’s attention is focused on the activities of the regional authorized agents of the Council for Russian Orthodox Church in the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the postwar period. There are the basic complexes of problems faced by the authorized agents in the multinational region at that time. Among them are processes associated with renovation churches in the republic and issues related to the registration of the Orthodox churches.

Religion and Soviet Society in the Works of American Observers of the 1930s

The article is devoted to the analysis of American observers’ views on the status of religion in the Soviet society in the 1930s. There were two different groups among them: engineers and workers who came to participate in the industrialization of the USSR, and professional journalists from the United States. Perceiving the socio-political processes that took place in our counrty often in different ways, the American observers agreed on one position.

Anti-religious Campaign in the Saratov Volga Region: on the Example of the Fight Against Orthodoxy (the End of the 1920s – the Beginning of the 1940s)

The author of the article, based on archival materials, examines the anti-religious campaign against the Russian Orthodox Church and the Orthodox on the territory of the Saratov Volga region in the late 1920s – early 1940s. The anti-religious campaign was carried out in the form of repressions against worshipers and believers, the seizure of temples and houses of worship, anti-religious agitation and propaganda, and other anti-religious events.

The Soviet State and Religious Organizations in the 70s XX Century (Based on the Materials of the Ryazan Region)

The author of the publication analyzes the religious policy of the Soviet state in the 70s of the twentieth century. The main stages of the evolution of the religious policy of the state in the field of lawmaking, as well as the features of its implementation in relation to religious organizations, are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the process of relations between the Council for Religious Affairs under the Government of the USSR and the Ryazan authorized Council with specific communities of believers of different faiths.

“Godless hard times”: On the issue of the anti-church policy of the Soviet state (1917–1920) (scenario of Dagestan)

The article shows the relationship between the state and the Orthodox Church during the 1917 revolution and the civil war. The reasons for the transformation of politics in relation to the most influential confessional structure are analyzed. One of the vectors of policy towards the Orthodox Church was a large-scale and uncompromising struggle within the framework of atheistic propaganda and agitation. The geographical area chosen is the national subject of the Russian state, Dagestan as a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional region.