Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Public Health and the Cholera Vibrio: Russian Empire, Medicine and Bacteriology of Early XX Century in the Face of Cholera Danger

The article is devoted to the early history of formation of Russian health care, which is related with to the efforts of tsarist government to develop the measures of defense of empire against epidemics. Taking of cholera regulations in 1903 gave occasion for straining of relations between the government and the liberal medical community, which has realized the extraneousness of tsarist policy to their professional interests.

Medieval London during the plague (1348–1351): Some aspects of social life

The article examines certain aspects of the social life of the City during the period of the plague (1348–1351) based on the documentation of the London Magistrate. It is shown that the Black Death dealt the most severe blow to the capital’s guilds, depriving them of workers and temporarily disorganizing production, which affected both the quality of manufactured products and relations inside trade and craft corporations, contributing to their further decline.

The solution of the housing issue by the public administrations of Kostroma and Yaroslavl in the fight against epidemic diseases in the late XIX – early XX centuries

The Kostroma and Yaroslavl provinces, which were part of the Central Industrial Region, were distinguished by high rates of industrial development. The modernization processes of the post-reform period were accompanied by positive dynamics of the urban population. The growth of provincial centers revealed the limitations of the housing that existed in the city, and became one of the factors in the formation of the housing market.