Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Региональная история и краеведение

Generalizing works on the Samara Luka and the Usolskaya Patrimony of the XVIII – early XX centuries as an experience of modern research practices of “local history”

The article analyzes comprehensive studies of the unique natural and cultural-historical territory on the Middle Volga – Samara Luka and one of the largest landlords in Russia – the Usolsky Patrimony of the Orlovs and Orlov-Davydovs. This example shows the role of historians and modern methods of “local history” in interdisciplinary studying the past of Russian regions, including the processes of the colonization and the development of the South-East of European Russia.

Celebration of the 300th Anniversary of the House of Romanov in the cities of the Volga region

On the materials of the state archives of Samara, Kazan, Cheboksary and on published historical sources the article analyzes the preparations for the celebrations dedicated to the 300th anniversary ofthe Romanov dynasty. It is shownthat preparationsforthe holidaytook on a universal  character, all segments of the population, independent of class, national, religious affiliation, were involved in the process of this preparation. Programs of celebrations are analyzed, they depended on a specific city, its material capabilities and the composition of the population.

Political Government of Informing Soviet Citizens about Events Abroad in 1921–1941 (Penza Region is Taken as an Example)

The article analyses the methods Communist party organizations used in informing Soviet citizens about events and developments abroad. It concludes that Communist party played a leading role in informing Soviet people about life abroad.

The life Quality of Penza Region People in the Beginning of XX Century (by the Evidences of the Local Press)

The article represents the scientific analysis of the newspapers articles, published in the beginning of 20th centuries. The results of the analysis prove the idea that no radical social changes took place in Russian and the main development paradigms development have not yet been changed for more then 100 years. The absence of changes produces the atmosphere of pessimism in society irrespective of the sources of information.

The Women and Children Problem in German Families of the Saratov Right-Bank Volga Region and its Transformation (mid 1760s – late 1920s)

The article is devoted to the underinvestigated aspects of the daily life of the German colonies of the Saratov Right-Bank Volga Region. The author analyses family, legal and property status of a woman in a German peasant family. The author also examines the relationships between the spouses, parents and children.

Left Bank Saratov in the 1666

The article deals with the unknown pages of history of the Saratov’s left bank, associated with staying of the Eastern Patriarchs Paisius and Macarius in this city. Analyzed in detail the route of the patriarchs by the Volga from Astrakhan to Simbirsk in summer 1666. At this time the city of Saratov was in the focus of the Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

Culture Genesis in the Lower Volga Region during the Late Bronze Age

Substantiation is provided for a model of culture genesis in the Lower Volga Region during the Late Bronze Age (LBA). Three phases corresponding to the succeeding archaeological cultures are recognized in the LBA of the region. The first phase (LBA 1) – the Pokrovsk culture, the second one (LBA 2) – the timber-grave culture, the third one (LBA 3) – the Khvalynsk culture of beaded pottery. At the change of phases, monuments of mixed types occur, with combined elements of the preceding and of the subsequent archaeological cultures.

River crossings in the USSR transportation system in war time (the case of the Lower Volga during the Great Patriotic War)

The paper deals with Volga river crossings as a vital means of transportation during the Great Patriotic War. The information on river crossings work before and duringthe Battle of Stalingrad are summarized, systematized and supplemented. The changes intheir number, location and work in fighting are traced. The results of Volga crossings work are established. The conclusion on Volga crossings vital importance for evacuation as well is made.

The activities of the Red Army to combat the famine of 1921–1922 (on the example of military units located in the Yaroslavl province)

The scientific article, based on archival sources and publications of the local press, examines the activities of the Red Army to combat the famine of 1921–1922. The main directions of activity of military units of the Yaroslavl province are studied. The organizational aspects of the activities of the Commission for Famine Relief under the Yaroslavl Provincial Commissariat for Military Affairs are considered. Conclusions are drawn about the participation of the Red Army in the fight against the consequences of hunger. 

The developmentof saltminingin Astrakhan province (on the exampleofChapchachi saltmountain)in the second halfof the XIX century

The article covers the history of the organization of salt business at the Chapchachinsky stone deposit of the Astrakhan province in the second half of the XIX century. It is shown that Mount Chapchachi is a unique deposit of rock salt of the Astrakhan province. Since the 60s XIX century enhanced development of the field begins. Initially, the government allowed everyone wishing to extract salt on the mountain in an open way, and later, wanting to establish the correct development in the field using the construction of the mine, handed over the field to the merchant I.
