Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Отечественная и региональная история

Commercial Relations of Settlement Beregovoy 4 (on Materials of Ceramic Containers)

In article economic relations of the Settlement Beregovoy 4 located on Fontalovsky peninsula in Temruk area of Krasnodar region are considered. The analysis of a mass archaeological material with application of methods of mathematical statistics has allowed to reconstruct dynamics of import of the goods from the different industrial centres from the end VI to the middle of III century BC.

Neolithization process in Euro-Asian Area Abstract

The process of neolithization and introduction of producing forms of economics did not take place in different parts of Euro-Asia simultaneously. South Asia and South-East Asia zones are considered to be first in the selection and domestication of animals.In the Northern part of the Caspian Sea area the neolithization took place on the basis of intensification and specialization of appropriating forms of activities.

Collaboration in the North Caucasus: Historical Truth or Historical Myth?

The problem of correlation between historical science and State power, between historical fact and historical myth, is analysed in the article on the investigation example of nonsimple ethno-political situation in Northern Caucasus during the Great Patriotic War. The possibility of consigning to oblivion “annoying” historical facts for the sake of momentary political benefit is rejected. The point of the necessity of the synergetic approach to an analysis of any historical phenomena is proved in the article.

The Material and Living Conditions Problems of NKVD– MVD Camps in Western Siberia and their Solutions

In this article discusses the basic material and conditioners problems of NKVD–MVD camps in Western Siberia and their solutions in World War II and the postwar period and their influence on the dynamics of the employment fund war prisoners and interned civilians in the Western Siberian region. The author concludes that the unresolved these issues were result of increased health losses, reduced labor fund, low profitability of the camps.

Repressive Policy of the Soviet State and Destiny of Prisoners of War of Red Army – Participants of the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939–1940

In the article it is proved that in the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939– 1940 the state and political management of the USSR tried to write off failures on the Soviet prisoners of war who have appeared in Finnish to captivity. The relation of the state and its high-ranking officials to the military personnel, got to the Finnish captivity, was characterized by antihumanity, monstrous neglect to human life, absence of desire objectively to understand each fact of capture of the Soviet serviceman, his behavior in captivity.

Social Policy of Committee of Members of the Constituent Assembly (1918)

In article the main directions of social policy of Committee of members of the Constituent assembly, attempt of the solution of working and country questions in the conditions of Civil war in Russia are considered, the conflict reasons between the people and the power are analyzed.

Theory Cooperation Socialism in the United States, West and Russia at the XIX and the Beginning XX Centuries

In this article the author examine the problem of regional aspects of «cooperation socialism» theory transformation in the United States, the West, the Russia at the of XIX and the beginning of XX century and conclude that the present teachings becam the foundation of transformations of capitalism in the socialism.

Preparation of Zemstvo Reform: P. A. Valuev’s Projects (March–July, 1862)

The paper considers the history of the appearance of the Fundamental Beginnings of the zemstvo reforms of July2, 1862. Basing on the analysis of the archive and published sources it is proved that P. V. Valuev viewed zemstvo reform as part and parcel of the project of “Governmental Constitutionalism”.
