For citation:
Lushina M. G. Gniezno and Poznan in the XIII Century. Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 1, pp. 33-35. DOI: 10.18500/1819-4907-2019-19-1-33-35
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Gniezno and Poznan in the XIII Century
Lushina Maria G., Saratov State University
The article analyzes the process of rivalry between two largest cities in Greater Poland, Gniezno and Poznan in the XIII century. During the Middle Ages both cities were the key centers of development of the Greater Poland region. Until the XIII century, there are some reasons to talk about the leading position of Gniezno. However, as a result of a number of factors that paradoxically contributed to the strengthening of Gniezno, in the XIII century Poznan comes to the fore.
Key words:
- Аноним Г. Хроника и деяния князей польских / вступ. ст., пер. и коммент. Л. М. Поповой. М., 1961. С. 31, 38.
- Пражский К. Чешская хроника. М., 1962. C. 79.
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- Ex commisso nobis a Deo / Codex diplomaticus majoris Polonia. URL: (дата обращения: 6.09.2018).
- Warschauer A. Geschichte der Stadt Gnesen. Posen, 1918. S. 30, 35.
- Dlugossii I. Annales seu cronicae incliti regni Poloniae. Warszawa, 1964 (пер. с лат. И. В. Дьяконова. М., 2010). URL: (дата обращения: 6.09.2018).
- Карта мира (сост. в Северной Германии (Люнебург)) около 1284 г. // Средневековье в его памятниках / под ред. Д. Н. Егорова. М., 1913. С. 279.