For citation:
Shenin S. Y. The Harvard’s «Russian Project»: from Triumph to Disgrace. Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2008, vol. 8, iss. 2, pp. 27-33.
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The Harvard’s «Russian Project»: from Triumph to Disgrace
Shenin Sergey Yuryevich, Saratov State University
The article is devoted to the study of the role and place of Harvard Institute for International Development in the Russian reforms during 1990s and peculiarities of the Institute’s functioning within Harvard University. Besides, the influence of the institute leading persons on the development of the American aid program to Russia and the circumstances of the institute’s liquidation are also studied.
Key words:
- Aslund A. Building Capitalism: the Transformation of the former Soviet Block. Cambridge, 2002. P. xiii.
- McClintick D. How Harvard Lost Russia // Institutional Investor Magazine. 2006. Jan.
- Jones S.Su. Embarked on a New Path // Harvard Intern. Rev. Winter 1994/1995. Vol. 17, Is. 1. P. 56.
- GAO признала это законным: US GAO. Foreign Assistance. Harvard Institute for International Development’s Work in Russia and Ukraine. Washington, 1996. P. 4.
- Boyko M., Shleifer A., Vishny R. Privatizing Russia. Cambridge; Massachusetts, 1995. P. 142.
- Клямкин И. Электорат демократических сил. Анализ электората политических сил России. М., 1995. С. 16–17.
- US GAO. Foreign Assistance. Harvard Institute for International Development’s Work in Russia and Ukraine. P. 3–11.
- USAID Fighting Shrinking Funds // The Moscow Times. 1996. Nov. 20. P. 11.
- Liesman S., Robbins C.A. Aborted Mission: How an Aid Program Vital to New Economy of Russia Collapsed // Wall Street J. 1997. Aug. 13. P. A1.
- Kurkjian S. Offi cials of Harvard Program that Aided Russia are probed // The Boston Globe. 1999. Jan. 15. P. A1.
- Liesman S. Harvard Dismisses Advisers to Russians // Wall Street J. 1997. May 27. P. A14; Warsh D. Fair Harvard // The Boston Globe. 1997. May 25. P. A1.
- McClintick D. Op. сit.
- См., например: Liesman S., Robbins C.A. U.S. Alleges Abuses by Advisers to Russia // Wall Street J. 1997. May 21. P. A10; Warsh D. Fair Harvard. P. E1; Larry Summers, Global Guru // The Economist. 1997. Oct. 18; Filipov D. Audit Backs a Harvard Adviser in Russia // The Boston Globe. 1997. Aug. 7. P. A2.
- Stern J. Harvard Economic Institute’s Management Troubles Darken Future // University Wire. 1999. Nov. 9.
- Ivry S. Did an Expose Help Sink Harvard’s President? // The New York Times. 2006. Feb. 27. P. C3.
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