Izvestiya of Saratov University.

History. International Relations

ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

For citation:

Krelenko N. S. «History of the Commonwealth of England» of William Godwin. Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2008, vol. 8, iss. 2, pp. 23-27.

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«History of the Commonwealth of England» of William Godwin

Krelenko N. S., Saratov State University

The article deal with the intellectual legacy of the English philosopher, writer and historian William Godwin (1756–1836). His was typical way of English intellectual who had to live through the Enlightenment, the Revolution and Romanticism. The Godwin’s historical ideas are a little known to contemporary academic audience. «History of the Commonwealth of England» of W. Godwin was written in 1824–1828 in the period of the great political crisis. Then British historians look for the answer of the public problem in the past. The author analyses the notion of Godwin’s «History of the Commonwealth». Was the of Godwin’s historical conception an exception from his time?

  1. Paul K. William Godwin, His Friends and Contemporaries. L., 1876; St. Clair W. The Godwins and the Shelleys. The Biography of a Family. L., 1989.
  2. Кареев Н.И. Указ. соч. С. 331.
  3. Godwin W. En Enquiry Concerming Political Justice and its infl uence on General Virtue and Happiness. L., 1793. 
  4. Русский перевод: Годвин В. Калеб Вильямс М.; Л., 1949.
  5. Godwin W. History of the Commonwealth of England from its commencement to the restoration of Charles II. L., 1824–1828. 4 vols.
  6. Godwin W. History of the Commonwealth of England. L., 1824, P. V. Vol. 1.
  7. Ibid. P. VI.
  8. 16 Ibid. P. Х.
  9. Ibid. Vol. 3. P. 17.
  10. Ibid. P. 17. 
  11. Godwin W. History of the Commonwealth. Vol. 3. Р. 17.
  12. Godwin W. Op. cit.Vol.1. Р. 358, 359, 72, IX.
  13. Ibid. P. IX. 23 Ibid. Р. 41–42.
  14. Ibid. Р. 138.
  15. Ibid. Vol. 3. Р. 2.
  16. Ibid. Р. 1–2.
  17. Ibid. Vol. 2. P. 689.
  18. Ibid. Р. 692.
  19. Ibid. Vol 4. P. 598.
  20. Ibid. Р. 597.
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