Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Development of a Network of Rural Settlements of the Saratov Area in the End of 1950–1970

In clause evolution of a network of rural settlements of the Saratov area for the historical period between censuses 1959 and 1979 is analyzed. The author marks, that the tendencies of development of the system of rural moving of the Saratov area per 1950–1970 were reduction of number of small rural settlements: first of all farms and villages, integration of settlements, growth of number of villages and settlements. Finally these processes rendered essential influence on an agrarian policy in which there was a support by the state of large settlements on village. 

From the History of the Development of Public Transport Saratov

In this publication we study the peculiarities of public transport in Saratov, which has become an essential part of everyday life. The author examines urbanization processes in pre-revolutionary period, based on new archival data using the modern methodological principles.

The Russian City as a Social Phenomenon

The Urban space as a social phenomenon is an element of the Russian social system. The author tried to show the specifics of the Russian urbanization trends of the modern transformation of Russian cities.

Social context of modernization processes in Saratov Volga in the late XIX – early XX centuries

The article discusses the social component of the modernization process in the Saratov Volga in the late XIX – early XX centuries within the bourgeois and socialist development model. The author analyzes the social structure of urban society, change of mentality and behavior of people, defines the "human side" of modernization

The Armenians in the Ethnic Area of the Lower Volga Region

The article discusses various aspects of historical and contemporary geodemographic dynamics of the Armenian population of the Lower Volga region. The author examines the migration history of the Armenians in the region, their number and sex-age composition, as well as the role of ethnic processes in changing the composition of the Saratov region population.

The solution of the housing issue by the public administrations of Kostroma and Yaroslavl in the fight against epidemic diseases in the late XIX – early XX centuries

The Kostroma and Yaroslavl provinces, which were part of the Central Industrial Region, were distinguished by high rates of industrial development. The modernization processes of the post-reform period were accompanied by positive dynamics of the urban population. The growth of provincial centers revealed the limitations of the housing that existed in the city, and became one of the factors in the formation of the housing market.