Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


The Supreme Commanders of the First World War Fronts: Cavalry General J.G. Zshilinsky

The First World War in the mass consciousness of the Russians is still forgotten. The Supreme commanders who did not bring glory to the Russian army in battles and the reasons of their invalidity as military leaders are unknown to the mass reader. The Supreme Commander of the North-West Front, Cavalry General J.G. Zshilinsky, is one of those people, who happened to become a hostage of the depraved system of promotion in the army, which had been formed in the Emperor’s Russia by the end of the 19-th century.

Cement production in Russia: Stakeholders and effectiveness of regional business at the end of the XIX century

The activities of “Petersburg Company for the production of Glukhoozersky Portland cement and other building materials” between 1879 and 1899, although only a initial period segment in its history, provides a holistic overview of phase that enterprise underwent on their path to becoming a large industrial firm. This study aims to improve and expand knowledge about the capacity and difficulties of industrial company to adapt to market changes and maintain their competitiveness, interregional coherence and organizational flexibility.